Help with the autumn clean-up?

The Moosey Shredder
Would Non-Gardening Partner like to take a day off work to help me with the autumn garden clean-up? He could shred the Pittosporum branches. Don't want to put them on the bonfire - I'd much rather have mulch.
There's also some chain-sawing to do - there's always chainsawing to do. And piles of firewood logs are scattered underneath the hedges waiting to be picked up and stacked.
Not interested?
No? Not interested? Then how about just a morning, or just an afternoon? I wouldn't mind which.
Silence. Not even a grunt. Oh well. That's OK. I tried.
Not much gardening today - spent the morning proof-reading my friend's university assignment (which had lots of 'resonating' and 'reflecting'). Then found myself resonating and reflecting for real in the middle of the Island Bed.

Rugspin Rugosa Rose Hips
All alone...
All alone, I worked hard. Cleared up a barrowload of mess (mainly old Alstroemeria stalks), chopped down an annoying tree (possibly a Bay tree, not sure), and lined up its branches ready for the shredder. Am going to plant a couple of new rhododendrons in here. Will buy them with a voucher I've been saving for the Easter weekend nursery sales.
Then I collected the last of the gum tree mess which had been piled up under the Leyland Hedge, dead-headed some more roses, trimmed more dead leaves off some Phormiums, and burnt the lot. So now it's shower time, with a hair wash to get rid of the smoke, and the promise of clean, dry socks - yeay! I looooove clean, dry socks.
Oooh goodie...
Just quietly, I think NGP might be bringing me home a new wheelbarrow. How exciting! I burnt my much-loved green one, leaving it too close to the bonfire, and large chunks of it melted, oops.

My New Wheelbarrow
Now it's two days later, and no gardening has been possible because of rain and cold southerly wind (direct from Antarctica). But yes, I am the proud owner of a new wheelbarrow. And it is green, like my old one! Am so happy!
Friday 31st March
Yippee! NGP appeared in the kitchen wearing shorts - he is taking the day off. His first task is to fill the trailer with dry mess stashed by the container. He can then shred the Pittosporum branches on the Driveway Lawn. Easy as! I will operate the bonfire.
Oh boy! I have burnt two full trailer loads - that's lots and lots of stuff! Also eight barrowloads - eight! - of gum leaves and bark sourced from behind the pond, carried in my new green wheel barrow. Also three barrowfuls of greener trimmings of Ligularias and Shasta daisies. Plus countless armfuls of dead Cordyline leaves. Pouff!

Autumn Bonfire
It's taken all day. But what a brilliant day! All the shredding is done, too, and the front house lawns are mowed. Just imagine - if I had NGP home every day, my garden would be pristine! Now I will shower, wash hair, soak smoke-stinky clothing, and cook some salmon for my meal (NGP is going out fine dining). Then go on a summer Croatian train journey on Youtube. The perfect end to a very busy day. Sorry about the smoke!