Recent Garden News

 Being modest, as usual...
Head Gardener

The Recent Garden News page displays the fifteen most recent additions to Mooseys Country Garden. This should help visitors keep up with what's going on in my garden.

Gardens are always growing and changing - there's always something new to see. And, as I love writing about my garden almost as much as being in it, there'll always be some new Moosey ramblings to read, or new pictures to look at. Perhaps the garden activities of my summer will warm up a northern hemisphere gardener's winter days. I know how much I enjoy my mid-winter garden visits to summery places.

Two weeks can be a long time in the life of a garden. There's inevitably some repetition, so please be understanding if I'm saying the same things over and over again. I hope you'll enjoy seeing what I've been working on recently...

Gardening in the sun...Gardening in the sun......
I forget how hot and bothered I can get gardening in the sun. It's sticky work. But finally, maybe, summer is really here. I must celebrate the warmth. And remember to water the patio pots.
No mosquitoes as yetNo mosquitoes as yet...
The nice thing about these summer holiday weeks so far - no mosquitoes (yet) around the pond (too cold at night). So sitting at the table on the pond decking is very pleasant. As is my early morning cup of tea on the cottage verandah with uncovered ankles!
My green garden...My green garden......
Good morning to my green garden. My goodness - there's no rain, no drizzle, not even any random spitting. No wind, and no time sonstraints. I could move mountains! More likely move mess from the paths behind the cottage...
What day of the week is it?What day of the week is it?...
Love the way that the days of the week in January merge into each other! Summer holidays at home - just magical. What day of the week is it anyway? Do I need to know?
Below the Glass-HouseBelow the Glass-House...
This afternoon I made a good start on the garden below the glass-house. It is so much sunnier now the big Wattles are down. Rugosa roses are sprouting madly. Weeds are waist-high. It is an exciting, vibrant area.
Hello summer?Hello summer?...
Summer? Helloooooo? It's ten degrees Celsius. Average summer daytime temperature here is twenty two degrees. The log burner is going again, and I'm wearing three layers - two merino, then a top layer of woolly possum.
Am trying to stay mindful of my five New Year's Resolutions. Five! Five important signposts to ensure that my 2025 is an orderly and well-constructed year...
A whimper?A whimper?...
My gardening year has started with a bit of a whimper. Yesterday would be better forgotten. I mooched around with a headache, went back too bed, got up, mooched some more.
Happy New Year for 2025Happy New Year for 2025...
Good morning. It's New Year's Day, and it's cold and wet. The log-burner is going, the cats are snuggled up inside. Nobody wants to go outside - except the dogs. Last night's southerly rain was interesting. For us the southerly comes up from Antarctica. Brr...
New Year Resolutions for 2025New Year Resolutions for 2025...
Oops. Needs must. I need to organise my New Year's Resolutions. Let me think - what was last year's? Probably 'Finish what I've started'. Yes, it was - I've just checked. I can definitely recycle that one. Done. That was easy!
Gardening Articles 2025Gardening Articles 2025...
Here are my gardening articles for 2025. Sometimes everything I have to say just won't fit into a journal page. Too many ideas. Too many plants! Just like in a garden, hee hee. Enjoy.
Garden Journal 2025Garden Journal 2025...
The number 2025 has a strong numerical feel to it (a perfect square multiplied by a perfect square). So will the gardening year 2025 be perfect? Can I get a step closer to being THE perfect (square) gardener? All the best for 2025, hope it's a goodie.
Ending the year with a moan!Ending the year with a moan!...
Rip, rip, rip. Dig, dig, dig. Pull, pull, pull. I've been clearing more Campion and Alkanet out of the Hump Garden. It's such hard work. Sulk, sulk, sulk. I worked for about four hours, then ran out of puff, oomph, steam, energy, and inspiration. Came inside feeling very cross - how silly! My last moaning session for 2024, hee hee...
Garden Awards for 2024Garden Awards for 2024...
All (well, almost all) the plants in my garden are winners. These 2024 Garden Awards are rewards for hard work, excellence, and personality.
Slinky SummerSlinky Summer...
Summer slinks on. Funny how some abandoned areas of the garden look great, while others look - well, abandoned! A lot depends on a garden being in reach of the irrigation. Take Lychnis, for example, a grey leafed short lived perennial which I love...