Garden Benches & Seats

Cat on a Garden Bench
Good gardens always have lots of seats, don't they? Gardeners have to remind themselves to stop, sit, and enjoy. And for a more mature gardener, a gently curving garden bench is far superior to stretching out on the grass. It's certainly easier to get back up on the gardening feet again!
There are lots of seats in the Moosey Garden, mainly humble, homemade, or recycled - repaired park benches, railway sleepers on bricks, large tree stumps and the like. My garden seats are meant to be sat on. Rustic seats that offer only splinters and the stress of imminent collapse are not welcome here, though I can't answer for any natural weathering processes!
Sometimes I'll just flop on a seat and catch my breath. Other times I'll approach well organised, with suitable cushions, a book, and refreshments - hopefully one of my cats will join me. I've had some great cat-conversations while sitting on one of my garden seats.
Cane Garden Furniture...
- I blame it on the Garden Club, and the first (and only) garden tour I went on with them. An old cane chair, painted white, in a secluded outdoor nook, complete with nonchalant pot of pelargoniums. This was THE look! So during the next months I collected various cane chairs from the Charity shops, and placed them in my own garden, just so...
Painting the Garden Furniture...
- I've always loved the natural, weathered, grey look for my wooden garden furniture - the splodges of chrome yellow lichen adding the colour, filigrees of used cobwebs providing texture. For years I've chosen rustic, weather-beaten, and paintless...
Garden Bench No.2 - RIP...
- After a garden bench has remained in one position for at least three years, it is courteous to give it a name and a short ceremony of welcome to the permanent garden. Garden Bench Number Two - Welcome to the Moosey garden!
Wobbliest Garden Bench in the World...
- OK. It only cost me ten dollars 'as is where is'. OK, Non-Gardening Partner was pretty grumpy when I bought it - surely I didn't need any more garden seats or benches. Hmm... Allow me to present The Wobbliest Garden Bench in the World...
Dog-Path Garden Seat...
- When I was busy developing the Dog-Path Garden I created a wooden seat on the low stone wall by the water race. Actually, 'created' may not be the right word. The wood was part of an old table top and I've just balanced it on the dirt. My seat worked - for a while!
Adirondack Chairs...
- An appreciative vote of thanks goes to the Moosey Non-Gardening Partner for (finally) building me a pair of wooden Adirondack chairs. NGP is a bloke of many talents, and (if he can be persuaded) builds wonderful garden furniture.
Pond Decking Garden Furniture...
- The Pond Decking has always been the perfect place for some garden furniture. In the past I've hauled out plastic seats for friends to enjoy the sparkling summer water. Then the wind would come and blow them into the pond. Oops.
Getting the Right Spot...
- Aargh! My new white wire seat is in the wrong garden spot. As I see it (from my cosy bed at dawn, doing a huge sweeping overview of the whole garden) it's a contest, with the incumbent (Duck Lawn) and three strong and worthy contenders.
Cane Patio Furniture...
- The Moosey indoor-outdoor flow comprises a decking and two paved patios - a lower and an upper. Obviously one tends to sit where the chairs and tables are, so until recently the upper patio has been used for drying clothes and little else. Ha! That's all changed!
Supersized Garden Seats...
- I've placed two 'chunky persons' garden seats either side of the Glass-House path. Note that I am not necessarily encouraging supersized garden visitors. But who wants to be squashed into a garden seat and instantly reminded of being on a long distance aeroplane?
Wooden Patio Furniture...
- The patio table and chairs were expertly made by Non-Gardening Partner a few years ago. I was oh so very proud. These would be the first of many pieces of amazing home-made garden furniture. I would be the envy of all my country gardening friends!
Seat by the Water...
- I tried this wooden garden bench in quite a few garden spots before settling it in the Hen-House Garden by the water. This, finally, is the perfect spot - secluded and mysterious, difficult for even the cats to find me.
New Pond Paddock Bench...
- My new Pond Paddock garden bench deserves its own page. Fifteen years ago I bought my first piece of garden furniture - a kitset park bench - and placed it in the Pond Paddock underneath some Tree Lucernes. This (the original Pond Paddock bench) didn't stay here for long. Read on...
Second Hand Garden Benches...
- I've recently allowed myself a short but highly focused spending spree on second hand garden furniture. Online auctions and the charity shops have been successfully trawled - lots of fun! It's all been part of a cunning plan...
Laundry Garden Seat...
- The laundry seat is just a few steps away from the back door, and is built from wood recessed into a retaining bank of stones. This is a morning-sun seat, and is surrounded by herbs, lavenders, and quite a lot of buzzing insects...
Romancing the Rustic...
- Two sturdy wooden garden benches, lovingly home-made from recycled timber, mark my first serious flirtation with rustic garden furniture. After all these years of resisting, I've finally succumbed to the romance of the rustic.
Moosey Garden Cafe Furniture...
- 40% off All Garden Furniture! The sale sign outside a local Garden Centre had been catching my eye for a few weeks. Then came that fateful day when I had nothing better to do...
World's Top Garden Seats...
- As an experienced garden sitter, I've complied my shortlist of the very best garden seats I've sat on. Some are grandly situated by paths in huge rhododendron forests, or in frothy, flowery rose gardens. Others are private and shy, hidden away in a friendly backyard.
New Blue Garden Seats...
- Something old, something new, something borrowed something blue... Except my new garden chairs were gifted from a friend, and they arrived in a most dreadful state, with peeling white paint.
Please Be Seated...
- For some reason, garden seats and benches are one of the most hotly searched-for items of garden paraphernalia. Real-life garden visitors remember more about the seating than the planting style, and virtual gardeners are obsessed with viewing pictures of garden chairs.
Oak Tree Garden Bench...
- The Oak Tree seat was erected in 2001, a piece of an old railway sleeper balanced on columns of old bricks. It was first situated near some big Oak trees, just where the path dipped down to the water's edge.
Wattle Woods Seat...
- The Wattle Woods seat is on the main path through the Wattle Woods. It is built from a railway sleeper resting on two brick columns. This seat is in a magic spot, a log of wood in a sea of green Renga Renga leaves...
Stables Garden Bench...
- The seat by the stables is my favorite winter morning coffee seat, when the sun is low in the sky and the air is crisp. It's a heart warming spot straight after winter sunrise, when many other parts of the garden are still in shade.
Wattle Woods Top Garden Bench...
- The garden bench at the top of the Wattle Woods has a real woodland feel to it. Huge Wattle tree branches spread overhead, chunky Camellias grow behind, and the water race is close by. It's a festival of foliage all year round.
My First Garden Bench...
- This garden bench was the very first garden seat that I purchased. It started life as a summer lunch spot, under newly planted oaks and original Tagaste trees (tree lucernes) in the Pond Paddock.