My garden goes into over-growth when I'm not being attentive. Or perhaps I've taken a day off. And if I take two or more days off? There can be an alarming growth of shrubs, weeds, roses, and lawns. Oh dear.

This afternoon I found myself wrestling(?) with yet more over-growth. While Non-Gardening Partner mowed some of the lawns, I continued digging out Campion and Alkanet from the front of the Hump Garden. Never mind the middle and the back - these over grown weedy flowers are not so visible in there. But there are soooooo many plants, filling up all the gaps between the roses. Then I trimmed some edges and spread forget-me-not mulch around. Sat down on a garden seat to ponder all this growth.

Rambler by the Driveway Garden
Monday 18th December
I've been clearing up by the Stumpy Garden. The lawns here need levelling with top-soil and resowing - that can't happen until March (early autumn). There's a lot of shrub room since the big Oaks were felled, lots of air and sun, and wind. Not sure what shrubs to plant. Probably not rhododendrons. An understanding friend has given me two bags of sheep poos, which I've been happily spreading around. Much less messy to handle than horse!
Two hours later...
Am too hot. Have been clearing out more and more mess. Chopped down some Elderberry seedling trees (which were over head-high), trimmed the Saffron Queen rhododendron which took a battering when the trees came down. Noticed that the terracotta Tree Peony had re-sprouted magnificently. Yeay!

Pebbles the Dog
Birds and dogs...
Three boy bellbirds had a whistling contest in the gum tree overhead. Pebbles the dog chased a pheasant in the orchard. Winnie presented me with two halves a tennis ball, hanging together by a thread, then waited patiently. After ten minutes I remembered to throw it. Oops. It landed in the water race and bobbed away downstream. Bye bye ball. Sorry, Winnie.
Every little hour...
Pulled out a lot of Cleavers (thank you so much, birds). And lots of forget-me-nots and lots of weeds. Told myself that every little hour I do helps a lot. Well, it certainly doesn't not help! And reminded myself that I like lots of flowers, and lots of greenery, and self-seeders, and shrubs that just grow. I like a free-spirited garden. I want my garden to grow. Right? Right!

The Edge of the Patio