More edges and weeding...

Lavender Lassie Rose
Oooh - how exciting. Late yesterday I helped Non-Gardening Partner lift the big irrigation pump back into place by the pond. And now he is testing out all the whooshy sprinklers. I just love the sound of them. Pretty silly! But it's summer now and the garden needs its moisture content boosting.
More edges, more weeding...
Did edges and weeding up by the glass-house. Noticed that the climbing rose Lavender Lassie is still alive and flowering (it used to climb an apple tree - both were cut down last winter). Noticed that the glass-house path which I'd cleared and weeded on the very last day of October (checked with my journal) was awash again with lush, unwanted greenery. After only five weeks - my goodness. Forgot to spread it with mulch, and paying the price. Hmm...
Actually, I've been doing a bit more journal reminiscing. By December 2011 I'd set up Pond Cottage as a proper, cosy 'Shed-With-A Bed' and was sleeping overnight in it. So I have been sleeping in my garden for twelve years. Hee hee. That makes twelve years of daftness, if you take any notice of Non-Gardening Partner.

Pond Cottage 2023
And I've been feeding my ungrateful, random stray cat Speckles for over two years. You'd think that in that amount of time he'd love me for warmth and contact, shelter, conversation, someone nice to hang out with. Someone, for example, who doesn't chase him off with a water pistol.

Speckles Gone Wild Again
Oh no. He only tolerates me because I fill his food bowls. Full stop. And how's this for tough stray-cat love? At the moment he only gets milk and dried cat food, unless he can be bothered to sit in his cat basket and wait for me to get up.
More rose photographs...
We've had a rose-friendly spring, with lots of rain followed by lots of sun, and quite a bit of ground clearing done by me. So many of my roses which can be a bit sulky are thriving this year.
Enjoy this batch of yet more rose photographs. I wonder if there will be more to come? Watch this space, hee hee...
Om dear. Have crashed back down to earth, after spending the morning arranging music. To clear the head I took my camera and dog (just Winnie, who is very stinky, could be bothered coming) to check on the roses in the Hump Garden. Humph. Cleared my head alright - refilled it with images of rampant Campion and waist high weeds, spiced up with large, sticky dollops of guilt. Call myself a gardener, do I? Blast.

Pink Campion in the Hump Garden
Nice warm clothes and woolly socks off, shivery shorts on. I can do this. Maybe not all of it but surely enough that will be noticeable? Grr...
Three hours later...
Oh yes. I have made a difference. But I have piles and piles of mess all over the main Hump Path - am not clearing it away because I don't know where my wheelbarrow is. I have uncovered roses and sprouting dahlias. I should have done this weeks ago. Silly, me, often far too reactive. And a sucker for pink flowers : for example, Campion, which suddenly grows tall and bushes out during spring - magical, amazing, so lovely, so generous, etc. etc.