
Smiley Face Pansy
Am doing lots of delightful gardening each day. And the week between Christmas and New Years is in itself delightful - it's mid-summer, and the days of the week all feel the same. And Non-Gardening Partner is on holiday, ready to be organised.
Thursday 28th December
I should put on my gardening shorts and have a nice hot cup of coffee. And find some oomph. Tiny thought (which should be written in the tiniest of fonts) - am not feeling so energetic. Not so delightful!
Much later...
I only worked for four hours, being kind to my hips and knees. What a joyful day! First I trundled the Wisteria pieces over to the bonfire. The patio just needs a sweep with a broom, to gather up all the little bits of died leaves. So sad, Wisteria. Hope my pruning didn't kill you.

Species Daylily
A momentous moment...
Then a momentous moment. Took my wheelbarrow and tools over the Hump garden and made the smallest of starts to the huge new planting area (where the trees were felled). It was a small-scale but very, very significant moment - the spring high in the mountains which becomes the raging river? Hmm...
I started on the edge of the new garden, curving large river stones around one side, weeding and digging and laying down logs around the other. Just sitting on my bottom dragging self along - no duck-diving, bending over, or kneeling.
And oh boy I was thinking, thinking, thinking. Here's my first list :
- Should this be a veggie garden?
- Or A place for a brand new glass-house?
- Should it have a path?
- And what would the path lead to - a wee courtyard, a picnic table?
- Is this a good place for roses?
- How shrubby should it be?

The Far End of the Hump Garden
Bear in mind this is a mid-summer list, and the gardener (me) is feeling a bit guilty. In these days of PC gardening she does not actually have a proper veggie patch at all (just patio pots). And her existing glass-house is unfit for purpose (totally in the shade).

Silly Fred
One of the Freds kept me company, squeaking at me. He has always been a most talkative cat, so I asked him what he thought.
Yellow things...
He said that he liked yellow things - the sun, for example, which he followed around the garden. And the yellow flowering summer shrubs Senecio and Hypericum. I might have imagined that last bit, hee hee.

Hypericum Flowering
Memo to self - remember to check with NGP regards the irrigation. Does it reach? Should it be lengthened ? Should he finish the clean up - chainsaw required - so I can get a better sense of the space, and how it blends in with the existing shrubs and trees (mainly Pittosporums). Aargh! Too many questions. And too many should's.