Some very productive edge trimming days, with lots of bottom-dragging. No hand tools have been lost or left outside. And I have righteously bought the new edging shears in every night, cleaned them, and then laid them lovingly on one of the dog couches. Ha!

the Back Lawn
The big irrigation has been running over a couple of nights. Magical for a slightly thirsty garden, and so blessed to have water at the flick of a switch. The lawns are all mowed. The roses are looking magnificent. I love that Rambling Rector. This year he is fatter than ever.
So today has been a fabulous Friday. First I visited a friend, had coffee, and we practiced our duo dance from Prokovief's Romeo and Juliet. It's the wonderful Dance of the Knights. I am the man, my friend is the girlie. We have learnt it at adult ballet. I love the dance and the music.

Fat Rambling Rector Rose
Then I zoomed into the library, changed my books, came home, and changed my clothes. Out into the garden, spent the next three hours dragging self around on bottom doing the edges and weeding the Pond Paddock. That's a lot of hours for one bottom, which ended up very damp and grubby. I mean the gardening jeans, of course.

Back Off Winnie!
Cat and dog company
Darling, smoochy Minimus followed me around, providing great cat company, while the dogs lay on the grass and sort of 'humphed' a little. They weren't particularly interactive. It was a very peaceful gardening session.
And now I'm apres-gardening in one of my white cotton shirts, writing up my day's activities and looking at today's photographs. Lots of the roses, of course.
I've managed to capture Fred the cat 'telling off' Winnie that her dog-licking was too energetic, and would she please back off. What a hoot! But don't worry - no claws!