My goodness, I feel better after spending a good chunk of time in the garden. I am successful, purposeful, and complete again. My time has been spent valuably and properly. Wow! I have made up for yesterday's disgraceful behaviour. What a difference a day makes...

The Pond Paddock.
So yesterday, finally, I did good some gardening - over three hours in the Pond Paddock. I planted the new Camellias, and dug out another unwanted Carex. I planted the new daffodils in pots by the cottage. I raked up and bagged oak leaves - eight bags full, a quarter of the ground cleared.

Pond Cottage
Meanwhile Non-Gardening Partner cleared debris and leaves off the roof of Pond Cottage, and chain-sawed a pile of thick branches into logs for firewood.
Leaf mould success!
Success! Yeay! My two-year-old bags of Oak leaves had indeed turned into leaf mould - wonderful looking stuff, like rich dirt, almost black. I spread it around the new Camellias and filled in the gap in the Pergola garden (where I'd dug out daylilies).

Minimus Stretching
It rained throughout the night - an interesting variety of sounds (because of the clean roof). Was so happy to hear it - the garden needs proper rain. Minimus (in bed) and Speckles (in his cat basket on the verandah) were both warm and dry. And so was I. Yeay!