I've done it again! Spent ages in the Pond Paddock raking up more leaves. I empty a bag of leaf mould into the garden, then immediately refill the bag. Very efficient. Am so pleased that I've finally managed to create some leaf mould. It makes all the bag-filling efforts worthwhile.

Bags of Leaves
So today I've cleared more of the Pond Paddock. And I've moved clumps of Renga Renga nearer the curved edge of the garden, something I've been meaning to do for at least a year. The edge is now well-defined. Nice.

Phormium and Mosaic Mirror
And I'm happy to report that the new tulips are planted, some in the garden by the cottage, some in pots.
Yeay for my leaf mould!
Am very very contented, and proud. Things are looking good. Yeay for my leaf mould! The more ragged and ripped the plastic bags, the better the result. Makes sense (the leaves need to stay damp).
Sunday 16th June
Home from singing the lovely Byrd 3-Part Mass, wondering what to do first. The answer is easy - change into my gardening jeans. It's drizzling lightly, but I am going to try and get the bonfire going - it's awash (oops) with gum leaves and bark.
Three hours later...
I was very patient and understanding, and managed to coax it into flames (with minimal smoke). I collected dead Cordyline leaves to help it out. Also scooped up armfuls of drier gum bark from the area by the old Hen House.

Haven't cleaned up the back of the Hen House Gardens for years - love those towering Eucalyptus trees, but oh boy! They are so messy. Lucky that the drizzle was very light.