
 I grow these in a patio pot.
Pink Daisies

Have just popped into a fancy-pants garden nursery, to tease myself. What could I buy - five of those pretty little Lavender shrubs? Alas, too dear for me. And then something odd happened - brushed my hand against a pretty pink Argyranthemum daisy, and a couple of heel cuttings somehow managed to become detached. Well, I had to pop them in my bag, didn't I? Naughty.

Friday 11th September

It's a cold spring day, with a biting wind, and I'm going to try and do some more glass-house cleaning. Not sure I have the right tools, and I don't go up step-ladders, so this may not get very far.

Germinating well...

However my seeds are germinating well, with lettuces and cornflowers almost ready for pricking out. They deserve more sunlight!

Two hours later...

Hmm... Have been scraping and hosing the roof glass down. Half successful, but am thinking this is a task (yet another one) for Non-Gardening Partner and his serious 'water blaster'. My little hose doesn't have enough pressure.

Flowering Cherry Tree and Blue Skies

Saturday 12th September

Yeay! A whole day to be spent in my garden. My list is in my head, but I've written one on paper for NGP. So he has decided to go flying. Funny that!

Much, much later...

My bonfire is gurgling to an end. I've been so busy. I've cleaned out the gardens behind Pond Cottage, raking the paths, trimming old leaves off Phormiums, and picking up huge pieces of gum tree bark. Found some dry rubbish dumped by the fence line, carted that off to the bonfire as well.

 I love blue things.
Blue Cornflowers

I also had another go at cleaning the glass-house roof (found a better tool - a hoe). I hosed the mess off, and then went inside to prick out dwarf cornflowers and lettuces. So my seedling production has begun.

 Beautiful yellow flowers in spring.

NGP slunk home late in the day, but he immediately reported for duty. The water blaster couldn't reach the glass-house. But he did the chain-sawing : old Hebes, mainly, a dead Cordyline, and an all but dead Deutzia - one of the original shrubs planted here in the house garden, white flowers for about a week, nothing else. I probably over-pruned it years ago. Won't miss it.

DIY Lavender...

I took some cuttings of Lavender. If I won't buy the fat nursery plants, then I can jolly well build my own! And now - yessssss! A hot shower, clean clothes, lashings of hand cream, and a modest evening meal. Very proud.