Puddles, puddles, puddles. Everywhere. Woke in the middle of the night and listened to the rain beating on the cottage roof - gave thanks that my soil is free-draining. The prediction is for at least one month's worth of rain falling in twenty four hours.

Rain on the Pond
There was no wind, so everything in my garden should have been getting a good natural soaking. Wondered if my big pond would flood. Knew that my cottage wouldn't - it sits up on piles. Hoped that Speckles my stray cat was somewhere warm and dry.

Fishing Club in Trouble
Later, mid-day...
Still raining. Have been for a wet walk. The pond is really full, and water is spilling gently over at the over-flow side and into the Jelly Bean Border.
Gnomes in trouble...
The gnomes in Fishing Club are dangerously close to becoming submerged, but they just keep on fishing. As long as they keep their chins up...
All the lawns, particularly the back lawn, are very squelchy underfoot. But I can almost hear the garden sighing with relief, the trees relaxing, the perennials sitting more firmly on their roots, doing their best not to flop over. And my newly planted potatoes in huge pots buzzing and fizzing in their moist vegetable mix.
Fresh new fern fronds are unfurling everywhere (they adore the rain). Of course more and more roses are starting to flower.
Plus the large mid-season rhododendrons - the list of lovely things goes on and on. Enjoy!