
My lawn!
Have just popped outside to take a photograph of the dandelions. I didn't know that dandelions close their flowers up when there's no sun. So my lawns are spotty yellow in the sunshine, but sleek green (if slightly long-grassed) when it's cloudy? Or perhaps dandelions just don't 'do' early mornings. Interesting!
Monday 7th October
After a family commitment I zoomed home and straight into the garden, only touching the house base to change my shoes. Went into the Stumpy Garden to pull out all those gloom-inducing weed that I saw yesterday. Made a decision - will plant the remaining pots of Daylilies in here, facing the sun. Trimmed another Miscanthus, and prepared the grass for mowing - outlining the edges, digging out obvious weeds, and so on. Took dandelion photographs to shame the lawn=mowing man (Non-Gardening Partner). Then I burnt my rubbish.
Tuesday 8th October
After doing my piano practice I met some singing friends for coffee at a garden nursery cafe. I was strong, didn't even look around the plants. Came home and went straight into the Stumpy Garden over the water race to continue the good work.
A year since the Oaks came down...
It's been more than a year since this garden's Oak trees were felled. The idea was to wait and see how the increased light would affect the shrubs. So far, not that I've measured anything, the rhododendrons seem to have gone up a size. I remember (fondly?) much work NGP and I both did to process the wood. Little wonder that things have gone a little bit wild, with all that increased sunshine.

Stumpy Garden Rhododendrons
So I trimmed Phormiums and I dug up Lychnis from the lawn and replanted them. I weeded. I planted two pots of daylilies. Everything looks much improved. And now NGP is home from work, and he is about to mow the lawns. Yeay!