What drizzle?

Drizzle - what drizzle? It's the weekend, I don't have to do anything, and Non-Gardening Partner cannot go flying. Aha! I'm thinking shredding, shifting rhododendrons...

 Pretty big!
Me With Gunnera Leaf

I'm sure I can work happily in the drizzly weather. Do a little of everything. Put my slightly muddy jeans on, and get them muddier. Not a problem.


Well, well, well. How good have I been? Triumphant! Lots of variety, slowish, measured, but very productive. I've cleaned up pieces of Gunnera from the Middle Garden and the Dog-Path Garden, and removed a dead Hebe.

 Trimming the Gunnera.
At Work by the Water Race

I've put pieces of kindling wood into a bag for next winter. Also collected four barrowfuls of gum tree leaves, armfuls of gum tree bark, and cranked up my bonfire.

 A very late flower.
Masquerade Rose

Sunday 18th June

Another triumphant day. In the morning I sang alto in a groovy Josquin des Pres Mass - so quirky and rhythmic. And I reckon I sang pretty well (got all my entries, just sang three funny notes in the Credo). Came home and decided to organise Non Gardening Partner in the drizzle. What drizzle?

Great team work...

Great team work - I dragged the tree branches over, he operated the shredder, and all the piles of Pittosporum branches were gone in an hour, munched up and spat out on the garden. Then, seizing the moment, I took him to look at the rhododendron my friend wanted gone. He dug it out, my friend's tractor dragged it over the lawn and up onto our trailer.

 Very drippy ferns...
Pebbles by Some Ferns

We zoomed home in the drizzle - what drizzle? I dug a large bowl shaped planting hole, NGP wrapped a rope around the rhododendron's trunk, and in it slid. The perfect fit, instant bulk, in the side of the Island Bed.

What drizzle?

Very satisfying. Am so proud. Only noticed how wet my jacket and cap were when I stood my the fire. What drizzle indeed!