The pleasure of my company...

The Fairy Rose
Good morning to my garden. Guess what? You can have the pleasure of my company all day. I have no other commitments. Yeay! I'd suggest you make the most of me.
A floating gardener?
Rather than make huge plans, or write a heavy-minded list, I'm just going to go outside and float purposefully around with my wheelbarrow full of garden tools. When I run out of ideas, or puff, or both, I'll crank up the bonfire. But only if I feel like it. Floating gardeners get to choose...
Five hours later...
Well done, me! But I didn't float at all - I dragged myself along on my bottom. And I made a big difference, working on the new path, which now curves around past the three Cream Delight Phormiums. Here - oops - it comes up against a thicket of self-sown Genista and stops. For now. But paths are allowed to stop.
Then I said I would and I did - I burnt the mess on the bonfire. Lopped out more Ake Ake branches - these burn really well. The wood on the abandoned garden bench is rotten - started deconstructing that.

Cream Delight Phormiums
Gosh I've been good! And I have another Vivaldi rehearsal to go to tonight - have never sung Vivaldi before. He's rather - ahem - chromatic? And his string writing can be very robust at times. I guess he worked out an easy-writing formula and then stuck to it.
Next day...
More burning, lopping up the branches for the bonfire (and smaller pieces for next winter's kindling). Barrowing in loads of gum leaves. Then I put on my waders to go into the (cold) water race to trim some more Gunnera. Brr... I was NOT impressed. One gumboot was squelching with water - its little leak had become a large one. Got one very cold foot Couldn't really stay in there for longer than half an hour.
Hand-washing my new wool socks...
At least I had taken off my posh new wool socks. I'd like to report than I have been hand-washing all my new wool socks in proper soapy stuff, not just flinging them into the washing machine. What a good girl!