Spend that voucher!
A rather fun day. We are going swimming, then having brunch, then off to the house-and-garden store. I have a voucher to spend, one which I've been saving for four months. A voucher! Yippee! I can get the new plants into the ground while it's still decently autumn.

Variegated Euphorbia
Hee hee. I completely ignored my list. I looked around, checked the price, and I grabbed, while my dear friend struggled to add up the total in her head (pretty mean of me, I reckon). Non-Gardening Partner decided, wisely, to wait in the car.
My New Plants
- Four Hebes (2 x Regal Charlotte and 2 X Inspiration)
- Five Lavenders (3 x Plumberry Ruffles and 2 x Variegated Meerlo)
- Two fat-leaf Green Cordylines
- Two Phormiums (Yellow Wave and Another whose name escapes me.
- 2 variegated Euphorbias (Ascot Rainbow)
- One Weeping Cordyline (Red Fountain)
- A groovy striped Carex (Feather Falls)
- One Cistus (Bennetts White)
I also got some bulk bags of tulip and daffodil bulbs (Earlycheer and Delnashaugh, silly name, pretty frilly apricot and cream flower).

Charlotte Hebe
So here's the plan. I start planting. I check back in when I run either out of puff or out of plants, hee hee. Three washed and dried pairs of gardening jeans are available for me to choose. Nice.
Well, what I ran out of was daylight. The Lavenders and one of the Phormiums are in the dog kennel gardens, which have been seriously weeded and cleared of mess and gum leaves. They are situated underneath THE most beautiful gum tree, after all.
I fiddled around filling up pots with miniature daffodil bulbs as well. Placed one by Winnie's kennel. Am very happy. Find myself thinking about going back to get more plants tomorrow. Am NOT allowed. Here's the rule - plant absolutely all the first lot of plants before even thinking about buying any more. And no more Lavenders (sorry if they're your favourite).
Memo to self...
Now I'm off to check out my two cottage cats. Memo to self : do not get sentimental about Speckles the stray cat. If he misses his evening meal I often wake up next morning feeling sad. Ridiculous! He comes, and he goes. End of story.

Speckles the Stray