New leaves...

Roseraie de L'Hay Rose.
The new me : I am trying to work hard every day in my garden, in yet another attempt to turn over a new leaf. So why would a gardener ever want to turn a leaf over? To check for mites and/or fungus?
Anyway, already this morning I have done a quick clean up in the Pond Paddock, and cleared the path to the woodshed, dumping the mess under the hedge to self-compost. I chopped up the forget-me-nots for mulch on the Herb Spiral garden. I planted the final potatoes (Agria, a later crop).
Another path to mulch...
Had a lovely crackers and cheese lunch on the patio underneath the fragrant Wisteria. Watched the honey bees happily buzzing above, felt better for have pulled out a lot of Alkanet (which they love). A quick flick through my new garden library book was strangely inspiring. Looked at the photographs and thought : 'I could do that!' Then found a picture of a path freshly mulched with wood chips. I am exactly going to do that this afternoon! Hee hee.

Woodshed Path
And very inspiring - a family visit yesterday to the loveliest garden with a beautiful glass-house. I wish that my glass-house could be a beautiful place into which to peep. It is not. But surely I could try harder? This afternoon I will make a decent attempt at law and order.
Have finished mulching the new path (see the photograph). Remembered to rescue my phone and my library book which I'd left on the patio table (it started to rain). And pull all the (dry) laundry off the washing line.
I give up...
I give up on beautifying my glass-house - inside and outside it is doomed to stay scruffy and messy. I've done some quick potting up of white Clary Sage seedlings, fed the tomatoes, and created some more pots of lettuces. As long as the plants are healthy, I guess that's all that matters.

Pink Rhododendron in the Trees
Now, one more session, and I don't care if it's raining, because when I go apres-gardening I am going to wash my hair.
An hour and a half later...
Yeay for me! Seven gardening hours in total. I have lots of Hostas arriving on Wednesday, and have cleared a semi-shaded spot near the variegated Elm tree. They also may be happy further along, behind the woodshed (as long as the Alkanet doesn't get too pushy). Ha ha. When is Alkanet not pushy? Haven't planted any new Hostas for years.

Winnie the Dog
Darling Winnie
Some noisy thunder started booming around the sky. Darling Winnie, keeping me company, came right up to me and gazed into my eyes. Just checking - are you OK, mother? I patted her. Good girl. Are you OK, Winnie? Both satisfied that both were OK, we continued on with our garden business, until the rain got too blobby.
Next morning...
So both my dogs have been up to no good - found them vigorously digging in the orchard. They are now 'All Black' collies, and need a shampoo. Country dogs and shampoo? Bah! Not us!
That new leaf...
Sometimes brainy people can be quite slow! I've just worked out that the new leaf a gardener turns over is a page of a book, not a leaf of a tree. Makes much more sense...