Winter photographs!
Am so happy that my current winter website photographs can now be uploaded, to accompany my winter journal ramblings. Yeay! This has resulted in a flurry of trips outside, pointing the camera at winter garden scenes (which all look much like last winter's ones, and those taken five winters ago, and so on).

Tinsie Camellias
And close-up shots of Hellebores and Camellias (love that small flowering Tinsie, visible since I trimmed back a pushy Hebe).

My Expensive Secateurs
And cats, dogs, secateurs...
I now have lots of slightly blurred, fuzzy photographs of cats who won't stay still and staring dogs (Pebbles, as usual, with her 'almost barking' face). And now I'm off to do a photo shoot of my new thirty dollar secateurs (which I haven't lost yet).
My camera has only been seriously compromised once, left outside hanging on a fence post during four days of drizzle. Oops. But after a couple of days drying inside it woke up and started working properly.
I've always loved keeping a visual record of progress, mess, and beautiful things. A blue sky in winter is THE most wonderful colour. White Erica looks gorgeous in flower. I've even managed to 'capture' one of the Freds in a tree - THE perfect pose! While the website was out of image action I guess I got a bit lazy.

Red Fred in a tree
So what to do first today? More photographs? Alas, I probably need to crank up the bonfire - dry hedge trimmings need raking up from the front paddock and disposing of. Humph. It's sunny and lovely outside. I should bonfire in the drizzle? But then the mess is damp and smoky. Humph again.

Black Buster
Hee hee hee. I didn't burn anything. I shifted a surplus archway into The Hump, and planted my two new climbing roses on either side - Crimson Cascade and Autumn Sunset. I also planted a New Zealand Cortaderia, another rescued rose, a pink dahlia, and two foxgloves that Non-Gardening Partner rescued (they were growing in the spouting). Then I pruned more roses and trimmed more dead leaves off more Phormiums. Tomorrow's plan is to light the bonfire - I'll trim all the large Miscanthus grasses to get the flames going.
So exciting...
It's so exciting after six weeks of recycling old images to be able to publish up-to-date 2019 photographs again. Yeay! I've even managed to take a picture of black Buster - the most elusive of cats, black and sneaky, hardly ever showing herself, always hiding and peeping around corners like a spy cat. Here she is lolling on the patio table in the sun this afternoon, being silly. Love you, tricky Buster, Black as Midnight cat.