Little day in...

Fred Cats Climbing
It's the day after my big garden day out, and I've allowed myself to do lots of little non-gardening things. A swim, sushi and coffee, a visit to the Op Shop. Yeay! I bought THE most divine apres-gardening home-knitted woolly jersey.
Warm as...
Paid ten dollars - navy blue, with cables, long enough to cover my bottom, warm as. I wore it outside (carefully) to prune more roses - more? When will I run out of roses to prune? When will water flow uphill?
But just a little light pruning, only filling my wheelbarrow once, because I have to play the piano tonight. Overuse of secateurs makes the fingers work even less fluidly than they usually do.
Cat photographs...
Then the dogs and I went for walks, walks, and more walks around the orchard, accompanied by the Fred cats. I took my camera (am taking photographs madly again). I found some little winter-spring treasures - snowdrops, snowflakes (flowery ones, hee hee), and some jonquils (well, I call them that).
I got some wonderful pictures of the Freds in the garden - climbing trees (we love climbing) and resting. It's tricky to catch them both doing the same 'photographable' thing, keeping still enough not to be blurry. These cats are always on the move.
Dog maths!
We love our orchard walks. The dogs have funny triangle running races - Winnie, the brainier dog, always runs the angled hypoteneuse through the trees, while Pebbles runs the two long sides. So naturally Winnie always gets there first, and wins, hee hee. Dog maths!

The Fred Cats
Now I'm going to light the log burner and read more of my latest book about the early British expeditions to explore, survey, map, and then conquer Everest. Wearing gabardine overcoats called 'Shackleton' naturally turns the Englishmen into superheroes, and most have a dreadful attitude to their porters. They manage to kill quite a few. It's an absolutely chilling read in all senses of the word.

Pretty flowers!