Start a proper garden diary...
My gardening friend has inspired me - I have decided to start a proper garden diary. In it I will write of my garden experiences, my successes, my failures... day by day even... starting with today.

A Silly Looking Icing Sugar Border
Wednesday 3rd December
Today is the day that I found the cat Ginger Puss, or rather I smelt what was left of him, over past the pond. It has been a nasty nor-west windy day, with Mary Rose swaying and the big Nicotianas flapping around. I've done some sneaky watering at the very top of the Icing Sugar Border. I must get a red flax to put on its fence-line.
I must also ask Stephen if he can irrigate the Pond Paddock. And I must write down all my ideas (even if they are silly) because that's what you do in diaries.
List of Ideas
- I would like a grasses section.
Wonder if lavenders should go there too? It could be at the back of the pond (where I found Ginger Puss).
- What about an orchard?
It could go over the water race with white and black-skinned peaches and nectarines... yum!
- I need to get a gold rose for the Icing Sugar Border.
This garden looks too silly with its marshmallow pinks and whites (roses - like French Lace and Perle D'Or and Clair Matin) sprinkled everywhere. It needs a flax - and some yellow things.
Thursday 4th December
Keeping a garden diary is a brilliant idea - it's cheaper than traveling around England writing a diary. My children think that I'm a twit. Oh well... Today I won't do any gardening, because I am going to watch the cricket one-dayer. I am going to think hard about garden things I will do tomorrow. Here are some definites:
- Water top of Icing Sugar Border.
- Take cuttings of Purple Penstemon.
- Investigate flaxes and a Cotinus.
- Investigate grasses and lavenders.
- Water the woodshed - I mean the garden near it!

the pond used to look like this

by November 1997 it looked like this
Friday 5th December
I have sneaky watered the top of the Icing Sugar Border again. I was hoping to get a trailer load of horse-poos but the rose arches have arrived and are roped on the trailer. Cool! And as to my investigations - I'm still thinking. Today I also pulled out the remaining foxgloves and replaced the despairing polyanthus plants in the house planting boxes with daisies. I cut some pale lemon roses for the house (The Pilgrim is what they're called). And I attacked the Pond Border.
But I still haven't done any cuttings - I need lavenders (all types), and penstemons (purple and white). Watering is what I do the most. The sun is a bit hot - where's my hat?
Saturday 6th December
I've just gone apres-gardening, as the Southerly rolled in. Great timing!
Today I have cleaned out one trailer-load of horse-poos and put it on the garden underneath the glass-house. I also shredded some of the annual rubbish to build up the organic matter in the soil. I may shift the Everest rhododendron.
I've decided that the Shropshire Lass rose can go... maybe next autumn? It's a once-flowering rose (not necessarily a problem) but it goes all sprawly. All its neighbour roses are soft and pinky. I think a Cotinus would be nice in its place - then a red flax in front of the two Abraham Darby roses. Decisions, decisions.

The Jelly-Bean Border
Bargain Perennials
I potted up my bargain bin perennials which arrived yesterday from Kaydees. They'll survive - only the golden leaved euphorbia looks nice at the moment. And my next load of horse-poos MUST go on the Jelly Bean Border.
I also planted daisies, pink annual lavatera, calendula and foxgloves in the JAM Garden around the old apple tree. The corner flax is growing far too slowly - I need a bigger one!
Sunday 7th December
I'm watching the rugby - Eeek! We are losing! I might dig out the Forsythia and the Genista today. They both look like two old sillies, stuck in the house lawn.
I didn't. I put pea-straw over the JAM Garden, shifted the Everest rhododendron, and moved in some aquilegias. I have lots more ideas. For example, that weedy geranium under the Iceberg roses which self-seeds so much - it needs moving and replacing with a sterile one which will flower better (I got that ides from one of my gardening books!). And the rose Shropshire Lass can definitely go. I will cut down the delphiniums by the glass-house and replant them in the space thus created. It's sheltered there (I've read that some gardeners stake their delphinium flower-heads).
I am rethinking the Apple Tree Border. It's very shady. I'll put in some foliage plants and some variegated things (like the aquilegias I grew from seed) to lighten up the look.

Iris confusa
Monday 8th December
I shifted the Camellias (three of them) from the Hump to the Wattle Woods. I think they will be happier there. Also I have filled some spaces with bits of Iris confusa. Shropshire Lass has a temporary reprieve - I've pruned all her long straggly canes. Now she is a neat little bush again, and fits nicely in her garden space. So she can stay!
I've dead-headed the Abraham Darby roses. And I've had an ides - I could shift some Agapanthus into the holes left on the Hump by the departing Camellias. Mustn't forget to water them (the Camellias)!
Tuesday 9th December
I did absolutely no gardening today. Absolutely none. But I've got some ideas from my library books. One has a picture of the borders at The Vicarage, East Ruston, Norfolk, England. I've been there! Strangely that was a garden I didn't find much inspiration in. And even odder - I didn't even take one photograph!