Shifting the orchard roses...
The orchard climbing roses are getting sadder and sadder as the Hazelnut trees block more and more of their sun. I have spoken to Non-Gardening Partner about shifting some of them, together with their archways, out. But where to? To where?

The Rose Archways - Second Summer
The photograph above was taken in 2006. Such a good idea, way back then! Roses are tough, and can survive being dug up. But they must be replanted in a sunny, open space. Aha! The Hump Garden's newly opened up area? I slept all night with my head swirling with climbing roses and archways filling up the Hump Garden. Oh joy - the garden of my dreams, hee hee.

Red Flower Carpet Rose
Some rather pleasing cat news. I have now seen Speckles the stray for two nights in a row. He has rewilded himself (hisssssssssss...) but still lets me pat his head. It was too chilly (and far too daft) to sit out on the verandah for any compulsory socialisation.
And now it's time to say good morning to Bach before we go swimming. Yeay for my wonderful piano which I love to bits. And yeay for Bach, who is the most complex yet beautiful composer in the world. Bach has a wonderful sense of momentum.
Bonfired some more of the mess in the Hump Garden. Thought about repositioning the climbing roses and archways in here. Practical considerations : the area gets six hours of mid-summer sunshine, and the irrigation reaches most of it.
I had fun visualising things as I sat down and weeded. I think I can do it. But first there is a mass of weeding to do - lots of so-called Deadly Nightshade, assorted dandelions, grasses. And guess what? More mess (like pieces of pine tree) to collect up and burn.
Ended the day feeling great. Got the text I'd been waiting for - my lovely family was back at the road end, out from a five day tramping trip. Had dinner, watched some local cricket, kept thinking about the Hump Garden plan. Hee hee.

The Hump Garden
Sunday 7th January
Sometimes I think I'm a bit silly, and sometimes I know I am. This morning after ploughing through Bach for an hour and a half with uncooperative fingers (too much weeding, they whispered), I thought I should check exactly how sunny that new garden area was. Really? How sunny did I think an open, sunny garden would be in mid-summer? Answer : extremely sunny.
So I then decided to test the sunniness by gardening therein. Totally daft. Did an hour and a half's weeding (Weeding? What about Bach? my fingers whispered). Dumped all the dry mess on the bonfire and came inside to cool off.

My New Bonfire
Much later...
Made a small mistake. Went back outside and continued weeding, waiting for my bonfire to reignite, as they can and will do. Nothing. So I got my book and a drink of iced water and sat on the purple bench to wait some more. Still nothing. So off I trotted to the shade behind the Stables to continue demolishing the Phormium.
After half an hour returned to the bonfire - oops. It was blazing merrily, as were patches of the sawdust surrounding it. Oops indeed. There was no wind, and the fire couldn't really go anywhere, but that was foolish of me.