Irises and Dogs...

Autumn Colours
Just getting into a good autumn rhythm, weeding along the bottom Hump path, when my friend arrived with some irises. Just some? Many - lots and lots. Enough to fill two wheelbarrows.
I started trimming their roots, then I stopped. Their appropriate placement needed some thought. In the sunny front of the Hump Garden, I decided. Pulled out some weeds, Lychnis, and a sad rose to make room. Planted about twenty pieces. Then noticed that the sun was getting rather low in the sky. Tomorrow.
Have made a list, otherwise things might slip my mind. I am to plant all the irises. All? Yes, all. I will also plant the spare dahlias and do one hour's weeding in the Hump Garden. If there is time (and energy), I will plant the Scrophularias and the Bergenias in the side house garden. And water the Ceanothus (a shrub donated by another friend, rudely dug out and replanted in the Hump Garden).
Monday 22nd April (AKA tomorrow)
OK. I planted half the irises (all the big ones), all the spare dahlias, plus two spare roses. All this plus weeding. And then it started to rain (which of course watered the Ceanothus), so I was excused finishing the rest, hee hee.

Autumn Driveway
Have some new library books, and the log-burner is lit. Loving the colours of autumn, whether outside in them or inside looking out the windows.
Tuesday 23rd April
I have house visitors again. And the brown dogs are back! Eek! We are a four-piece dog-pack again. Make that a three-and-a-half-piece. Where's Escher? He keeps on wandering off.

But Escher is forgiven - he is thirteen years old, making him equivalent to a ninety year-old human. He is definitely an old-man dog.
Too busy to plant any more irises. Making the most of having such boisterous and creative company. Supervised the small people walking the length of the water race, dodging the Gunnera. Loud giggles, cold pink legs, wet knickers, muddy socks - oh joy!
Dog and Goat...
Later Pebbles left the pack, and took herself off to the boundary fence to watch one of next-door's goats (as she does, often). Dog and goat sit behind their respective fences, silently staring at each other. For ages. Very odd behaviour. I've heard of dogs staring at house flies, shadows... but a goat?