Wet weather gardening legend

 Rain, rain, rain...
Wet Patio

So it started heavily raining yesterday afternoon. And the rain continues to bucket down. But guess what? I am a wet weather gardening legend.

Wet cats...

Speckles the stray cat appeared on the cottage verandah about 5am this morning, absolutely drenched. I let him in to eat in the dry. Over in the house later for my breakfast, the Fred cats were also very wet. Red Fred has a very scabby head, from fighting his brother. He sits on my lap in the evenings and I gently scratch away. He also presents his head for the dogs to lick. Too much information? Sensible cat, I reckon.

How I wish that I'd spread all my new horse manure on the garden yesterday. Do I have the nerve to go out in the rain and do just that? Hmm... It's the thought of getting muddy that stops me.

Two hours later...

Here's how I am going to do it : I choose appropriate clothing - light layers, easily washed. I expect to get wet. I do not sit down, I stay on the move to keep warm. I wear my gumboots and a cap. I lay out clean, warm clothes, wool socks, and so on in the house.

 By the side of the Island Bed.
Dogs in the Rain

My targets are the rhododendrons in the Stumpy Garden. One bag each. I also remove yesterday's chopped-down Phormium mess. Half an hour maximum. And I organise a reward. Food? Maybe some new Graham Thomas roses to replace the ones I dug out and burnt?

 Flowering by the Koru Courtyard.
Camellia Takanini

One hour later...

Did it! I am a wet weather gardening legend. It's actually quite easy - all in the mind, in a funny sort of way. Have sent Non-Gardening Partner to the store to get crackers, cheese, and chocolate. Have some banana and chocolate muffins cooking. A choice of food rewards.


And just a small weather comment. There's been so much rain that all the lawns are puddling. This is rare here on our extremely free-draining property. My goodness. What must it be like to see one's garden flooding? Or worse, one's house? Eek!