Still digging...
Am still digging out Alkanet and Campion. I've been working my way into the Hump garden underneath the rose arch where Autumn Sunset is providing the beautiful colours of an early summer sunset. Pink Grootendorst is gorgeous, and the hybrid rugosa David Thompson is oh so floriferous. He just pushes the pink Campion aside.

In the Hump Garden
My knees are getting a bit hot (am wearing shorts). Have come inside for the smallest of rests, accompanied by the dogs (who are bored of the tractor going back and forth carrying firewood logs to the front paddock).
Stern message to self : You MUST MUST MUST clean up today's MESS. Because today's mess is a major mess. It is an upper-case mess, one of your messiest messes ever.
I did.
Sunday 19th November
Another morning spent clearing out mess. I also dragged the remaining pieces of Banksia rose over to the bonfire, plus a barrow load of gum tree branches. The gardens near the bonfire look amazing - without actually planning to I seem to have created a frothy, frilly cottage garden. I blame the lacy white Orlaya and the Foxgloves!

The Back Garden
But instead of having a bonfire Non-Gardening Partner and I went out for a drive to the mountains. Nice. We had a picnic at Craigieburn, looked at the mountain tracks, decided we both felt really lazy, and slunk back to the car. Like two mature (AKA old) people enjoying a Sunday drive in the country. Oops!