Trundling along...
My July is trundling along at a somewhat leisurely pace. It is an extremely measured month, full of the loveliest browns and greens, with the tiniest splashes of flower colour. Am trying to be disciplined and spend time every day in the garden, no matter what the temperature.

Red Astelias
And I am allowed to choose random things to do. Have just spent a happy afternoon trimming dead leaves off the Astelias in the Driveway Garden. Love these! Maybe not much to report, but better than nothing, and more enjoyable than bonfiring.

White Erica
Friday 9th July
Alas, I couldn't put it (AKA the bonfire) off for another day. So I collected and burnt seven loads of dry gum tree leaves etc., layered with four loads of wettish Leyland hedge trimmings. I added quite a few dried Gunnera leaves and dead Phormium leaves. I poked and prodded. I leant on my rake, let the flames warm my face, and reflected on the garden in winter. I danced out of the smoke's way. And now - oh yes. My hair is clean, and I smell delightfully of Lemongrass soap. Well I think I do!
Not little!
I feel I achieved little, but that's silly. Working for four hours is not little. And I also pruned a couple more roses. One hundred and ninety-eight to go, hee hee. My secatuers are unfortunately broken - the spring which keeps them shutting is lost.
Red Fred has finally realised we have a new cat, and is rudely camped right outside Lilli-Puss's door. He can be a pest and a bully, and often ambushes his brother when bored. Not sure how he'd react to Lilli, but I don't trust him a millimeter. She's a rather serene cat, and I'd like her to stay that way.

Pebbles the Dog
Aagh! Dogs are so much less complicated. They don't plot and scheme like cats do. What you see (and hear) is what you get, in a dog!
Sunday 11th July
After singing commitments throughout Saturday and Sunday morning, this afternoon I got into the garden. Aargh! I bonfired - a trailer load of mess raked out from the fence-line, plus four barrow loads of hedge trimmings. I lightly pruned one more rose - the beautiful climbing lemon yellow Casino. One hundred and ninety-seven to go now.
Like a rerun of Friday, I've washed my hair, and am about to have my evening meal. Am soooooo tired! Nicely tired, though.
Downside to today - threw my hand scraper claw, a tool which I love and use all the time, into the bonfire by mistake. Also the rake, but this I managed to safely rescue. My gardening tools must get very anxious when they see me coming.

Pretty Choisya Shrubs