Laying low...

Rose Hips in the Hump
Am starting a two week period of laying low, following my scientist daughter's advice. I've promised her I'll be sensible. No outings to swimming or ballet class. This morning a sneaky farewell cafe visit for coffee with my friends. Then I go into the garden for a fortnight. Just imagine how much I can achieve in two weeks of isolation! It's actually a little daunting - my gardening laziness might be well and truly exposed for all to see. Eek! I'd better behave.
Much to do, much time to do it...
Since there is so much to do, and so much time in which to do it, I'm going to clarify things by writing a list of verbs (actually they're participles).
1. Shifting : Yes, it is now the perfect season (early autumn) to dig and relocate anything that is in the wrong place. First, I wander around with a clipboard, evaluating each garden, designating it as suitable or unsuitable for whatever is planted therein. I look at four variables - sun, shade, wind, and irrigation.
Obviously the larger, established things (like trees and big rhododendrons) have to stay put and make the most of a bad situation. But movable shrubs (like my one surviving Kalmia) will go on the shifting list.
A giant garden stock-take
It will be a like giant garden stock-take. I will need pots (got them) and potting mix (will get that today on way back from coffee).
2. Replanting : After a few days in pots, everything goes into a new, specifically designed location, guided by the same four variables (sun, shade, wind, irrigation).
3. Trimming : Absolutely all gardens will have their trimming finished. This will involve summer perennials like Lychnis and Shasta daisies (which pop up everywhere), Phormiums (which always need their dead leaves cut away), and small trees (I will need to find my long handled saw, oops). If it needs trimming, I will trim it.

March Colours
And this is only the start of it! If you are already feeling weakened by this list, best take a deep breath, because there's more : weeding (weeds), dividing (perennials), tidying (the glasshouse), tying up (large roses in the orchard), clearing (all paths), mulching (all gardens). Two weeks of self isolation? Two weeks of self-exhaustion, hee hee.

P.S. Got the clipboard. Am starting on the Stables Garden. Aargh!