The new W-word...

Special Gift Rose
The end of another worrying week, with more and more official virus announcements. And I'm worrying about my dog Winnie, trying to rest and heal her dodgy back leg. Ha! A new W-word. It's usually W for Weeding.
Please don't tell anyone, and I didn't buy toilet paper.... But I went down to the small local supermarket, and sneaked around buying a huge load of provisions. Hoped that it didn't look too obvious what I was up to - how silly am I? Now I have a reasonably well-stocked pantry with which to self-isolate, should this be needed. Wow - I even bought some wholemeal breadcrumbs - this is serious!
And my garden is full of potatoes, green beans, and cherry tomatoes, and my little freezer is full of tasty treats. And I have started my new 2,7000 piece jigsaw. I am prepared...
I've been working a bit in the garden, mainly watering. My garden is a bit sad, as I am. I need it to rain. Serious rain, please!
Rambling Rector :
- A very robust rambling rose which grows on the boundary of the Allotment Garden.
I've spent ages filling buckets from the water race and slurping the water onto the Allotment Garden's roses. I've been shifting my little watering hoses, trying to make sure the big shelter trees In the Allotment Garden are OK as well. Should have been enjoying myself, right? But I'd left Winnie in the house, and kept worrying that she'd be lonely. Dog-mother guilt. Daft!

Bumble Bee on Salvia
Worrying about the Salvia...
And I'm worrying (sorry, but this is definitely the theme of this page) about the sulking patch of Salvia uligosa plants - hope it doesn't die on me. Hardly any flowers this summer, because of lack of water. The plan is to remove the lot and relocate it nearer to the irrigation. Salvia uligosa is for the bees, as well as for me. And it's a beautiful blue colour. Pretty soon I'm going to dig it all out - as soon as I get some potting mix.
Tuesday 17th March
Garden thought : it's the perfect morning for rain. Go on, rain! I dare you! Stop this tiddly drizzling, hardly enough to dampen the fur of a Fred cat. I'm off to my Silver Swans ballet class.
Friday 20th March
Oops. I haven't been writing much. It's the end of a weird week. All my choirs have now shut down, though the Silver Swans Ballet classes are still going. I have made some serious stay-at-home plans : here are the first three.
- Bach's 48 Preludes and Fugues - play them all.
- Albeniz Iberia Suite - play it all.
- My garden - work hard in it every day.
And regarding my injured dog - magic! The butcher has given me a large raw beef cannon bone, which goes in and out of the fridge when required. So Winnie doesn't get upset when Pebbles (my other dog) and I go outside, and so I don't then get upset and come back inside, and so on. Winnie looooooves her big bone.

Japanese Anemones
Today I've already played Bach with my flute playing friend (keeping our distance), trimmed and dumped one barrow load of garden mess, taken Pebbles for a couple of long orchard walks, baked some blackboy peach muffins, played the first three Preludes and Fugues (book 1), and stumbled through an hour and a half of Albeniz. Day One, over and out.