Gardening in the sun...
I forget how hot and bothered I can get gardening in the sun. It's sticky work. But finally, maybe, summer is really here. I must celebrate the warmth. And remember to water the patio pots.
Thursday 16th January
Have worked for three hot hours. I've been clearing mess off the Hump Garden path (and making a tiny bit more). Quite a different vibe from the last few days' gardening - lots of colour, out in the open, no big shade tree.
Roses reblooming, lot of trimming to do (hello Campion). And dead-heading (roses and dahlias).

Path versus plants...
No decision about David Thompson (rose) and Miscanthus zebrinus (grass) versus the path. I've put up a 'Closed for Summer' sign to make me appear imaginative and whimsical, rather than a hopeless judge of plant positioning and growth, hee hee.
Friday 17th January
Last night I saw both my stray cats - first Speckles, who scoffed all his food, then Foxie, who removed himself to the lawn when I opened the cottage door, rather than running for his life. So this is progress? No photographs of Foxie as yet.
First thing this morning I have chamber music at my house. I made Non-Gardening Partner vacuum the house last night, and I've cleaned up the kitchen. Would much rather be cleaning up the garden!

Pretty Pansy
Sweet music! Love listening to me and my friends playing. And now, to the garden. I know exactly what gardening I need to do next - clean up the Herb Spiral. Bucket some water on the roses, chop up the Orlaya so it will produce next spring's seedlings.
If I can totally finish this task, I am allowed a reward. Maybe a chocolate bar? Maybe my cat and dog shirts ordered online will actually arrive in the post? I may have been sold a dud here... Back not too soon, hope I can make a difference.
Two hours later...
Like my online shirt purchase I've been a bit of a gardening dud. I blame the sun. I worked hard, paying attention to details, but only filled the barrow once. Uncovered roses and a patch of garlic which has been growing for six months - time to harvest? Cleared along the Olearia hedge and into the wee Laundry garden, then trimmed pittosporums along the path leading through to the back lawn and glass-house.
Got too hot. And I cheated on the reward - the task was only half completed but I ate the whole chocolate bar (it's only tiny). Hoped NGP didn't remember it was there. Oops. He did.