A whimper?

 In the pond, by the fishing gnomes.
Water LIly

My gardening year has started with a bit of a whimper. Yesterday would be better forgotten. I mooched around with a headache, went back too bed, got up, mooched some more.

Only one hour...

Only did one hour's lunchtime gardening around Middle Bridge poking at things, no energy, and not much to show for it. But it wasn't raining. And the water rushing underneath the bridge was cool, and clear, and made some lovely noises!

It was nice sitting down in the garden with my hand tools, though I'd pretty much decided to go back to bed. Found lots of weeds, made a good start clearing clover from the path. Hey! I did some gardening. Some is always better than none, I guess.

Some is always better than none - Moosey words of wisdom.

Today it's supposed to rain all day, and my head feels much better. Sleeping through the night was interesting, with Minimus my cottage cat coming in, going out, coming in, going out, waking me up each time. Couldn't leave e.g. a window open because of mosquitos, and Speckles jumping in to raid Min's food bowls.

Ready to go gardening...

I'm ready to go gardening, but things are looking very grey. I've already been outside, trying to take photographs of the messy bits - 'before and after's, that sort of thing. How silly! Much more enjoyable photographing January's flowers beauties - Hydrangeas and Dahlias.

Only one hour later...

I started off trimming and weeding in the Allotment Garden. Scattered Calendula seeds around one compartment, cleaned up another in which the blue Larkspur self-seeds. It's finished flowering now. Chopped up all the old stalks and seedheads as a mulch, to guarantee flowers next spring.

 Flowering in late spring.
Blue Larkspur

The drizzle soon started, got heavier, and then turned into rain. Kept on going. Then water started dripping down the back of my neck, so I retreated inside. But some (one barrowful of mess) is definitely better than none. And I do seem to be feeling better. Yeay! I have my energy back. And I'm OK about the rain. My garden needs rain just as much as it needs me - possibly more!