Ending the year with a moan!

New Blue Lace=Cap Hdrangea
Rip, rip, rip. Dig, dig, dig. Pull, pull, pull. I've been clearing more Campion and Alkanet out of the Hump Garden. It's such hard work. Sulk, sulk, sulk. I worked for about four hours, then ran out of puff, oomph, steam, energy, and inspiration. Came inside feeling very cross - how silly! Sorry about this. My last moaning session for 2024, hee hee...
Some days, when I'm tired and I know I haven't finished, I can easily get into a 'Poor me, it's too hard, I need a garden helper' mood. Then I think practically - could Non-Gardening Partner really be trained up to dig out old Campion? The answer is no. Then this annoying inner voice pipes up : 'So why do you grow Campion then? If it's so difficult to manage with just you...' Humph. Best to have a shower, wash my hair, and then eat some good food. Campion is so pretty when it's flowering. And I love my little paths when they are clear of weedlings and seedlings. So there. Those are my official final words on this mini-dilemma. I will clean up the mess tomorrow.
A bit later...
Have just wandered around with the camera, finding all sorts of pretty coloured flowers to photograph. Parts of my garden are looking great. Amazingly great. I must remember this. And it's OK to stop gardening when one is too tired. It is the holiday season, after all.
Next day...
Full of steadfast resolutions, I got up early. Hmm... Drizzle. Oh well. But later on the drizzle sort of stopped, so I did a damp two hour gardening session. I feel better about things today. I've cleaned up most of yesterday's mess, made lots more (lots of old Euphorbia flower-heads), and dumped that, too. Am enjoying the Agapanthus and the Hydrangeas, two mid-summer beauties. I remind myself that I am on holiday, and the Christmas jigsaw is waiting to be started.
Tuesday 31st December
It was a dark and stormy night! Sheets of random rain, the cottage roof so noisy I didn't get a very good sleep. Both my stray cats came for meals. First Ginger Foxie, very jittery and scared. Later Speckles was still waiting on the doormat for more. Not a restful night - Minimus wanted to go out, and come back in, and go out again, and so on. Naturally she's vey nosy about these visiting cats. This morning it's still really raining, and the wind is throwing it around. There are even puddles on the Pond Paddock grass. Don't think I can do any gardening. Hope the dahlias don't go flop!
So sorry...
Sorry about all the moaning and groaning. What a way to finish what has been a great gardening year! I am ashamed of myself.