I'm back!
Good morning. I'm back, and it's December. And I have some serious jobs to do before I can stretch out underneath a leafy tree, drink coffee, listen to the birds, and read.
Here's my 'I'm Back' list :
- Burn trailer load of rose prunings - the fire ban is imminent.
- Plant out remaining seedlings - cornflowers and Lavateras.
- Please, please, please plant pumpkin plant.
- Start sensible garden border watering regime with little hoses.

NZ Gardener Roses
Two hours later...
Sorry, but the best way I can reconnect with the gardening me is to write down what I've done. Self affirmation and all that. Hopefully not too tedious. I can recommend it!
So yes, I've burnt all the prunings in a smokeless bonfire, and started the watering. Have popped Lavateras in pots by the cottage and have promised to water them.
The variegated Cordyline which was (note the past tense) in a beautiful big green pot has been 'retired'. I've dragged all the bags of oak leaves over to their decomposing place. I've cleared more edges in the Pond Paddock.
Buzzing with music...
My head is still buzzing with music - 'Ringtail Tom' is now alternating with 'All We, Like Sheep', a heady animal mix. Writing can be very cleansing under such circumstances.

The Pond Paddock
I have cleaned the edges around some of the house gardens, and shifted the hoses. And now I go out to pick up my mess, yes? OK. I suppose so. And shift the hoses again and plant some fairly floppy cornflowers in the house garden. I love being back in the garden. I need to do this!