The Hump Garden path...

 Gladiolus and Dahlia.
Cheery Yellow Flowers

It's not been the most relaxing gardening week - I do NOT trust my dogs at all. Last week their noses got them into big trouble. But finally I have done some gardening. Details : I've dug out and divided the maroon daylilies by the pergola. Some are replanted along the sunny side of the woodshed, others are in the Hump Garden. The large-flowered orange daylily has moved over into a sunnier spot, near some clumps of pink Phlox.

Then I shifted myself into the shade of the Hump Garden and did a lot of very finger-intensive weeding - mainly pulling out little Deadly Nightshade seedlings. My dogs snoozed amicably alongside me.

Scary moments...

A couple of scary moments today. Disturbed a snoozing pheasant in the Hump, who shrieked and flapped and gave me a huge fright. Then after my shower, I grabbed the softest, fluffiest towel, wrapped it around myself, and the largest, brownest wood spider crawled off it and down my leg. Eek!

Saturday 24th February

Today I am off back into the Hump Garden with my dogs to do more weeding. The Hump Garden is a long way from dog-temptation. It is also remarkably colourful (photographs below).

Three hours later, and none of us has got into any trouble. I've been weeding in the interior of the Hump Garden, pulling out Lychnis, Campion, and Anemanthele grasses which were past their use-by date. I dug dandelions out of the path, chopped up annual Cornflowers for mulch, and dead-headed dahlias.

The Interior of the Hump Garden.

Rescued some sad clumps of miniature Agapanthus, left behind and forgotten when the path they edged was filled in and planted with new roses. Ha! They've been replanted along a sunny edge, and watered. They may even flower next summer to thank me!

 Cleared and passable, as long as you step over the cat!
Fred on the Hump Path

Still do NOT trust the dogs...

Finished my day by checking all my lawns thoroughly for any rotten, edible dog-delights - just in case those dogs had been 'at it' again. I do NOT trust them.

Sunday 25th February

I kept on clearing the main path through the Hump Garden. Worked on and on, until I reached a mature clump of Iris Foetida. Too difficult to dig out with the spade, so hand power (my sharp hand digger) did the business, with a little bit of jarring (ouch) and pulling (ouch).

Pity about the cricket. Oops. Australia won again.

Monday 26th February

I am tired, but so happy. I've finally cleared the main Hump Garden path! Yeay! Only worked for three hours, but my tempo has been fierce. How early can I go to bed, I wonder?

 Waiting for the gum leaves to be raked off their cricket pitch.
My Cricketers

My New Year's Resolution, made all those weeks ago in a flush of optimism, was to finish gardening tasks. And I have!