So how silly am I? Woke up about 4am puzzling about the network of paths in the Hump Garden. Logic hardly prevails while lying in bed in the small hours. I tried visualising alternatives. I mind-blocked a path I never use and mind-planted Phormiums to block it off...

Fixing the Paths
I contemplated the purpose and philosophy of garden paths (yet again). I wondered about covering the paths with mulch to stop the weeds. Alternatively, should there be fewer paths to keep clear? And what about the haphazard organisation of the Hump Garden anyway? I mentally shifted all the roses towards the front, nearer the lawn, and even mind-planted more foliage plants in the gaps down the back. Aargh!
What to do?
This all resulted from a quick-fire Hump Garden session yesterday afternoon. Hydrangeas were blocking one of the offending paths. What to do? Acting on the advice of my lovely visiting daughter I moved the plants and left the path where it was. Easy as! But alas, unfinished business for the gardening mind.
Speckles :
- Speckles, AKA Specks or the Speckling Puss, is a mackerel tabby.
Drifted off to sleep, then woke up to see Speckles cat (who has been AWOL) at the door. Silly me - I quickly dressed in the dark, plodded over to the house to get some tasty food, then sat (shivering) on the verandah while he feasted. Did the patting thing around his head and chin, then right down his back and along his tail. Up it went. Aha! Now I am not so sure that he is an intact tom-cat (will spare you the details).

Late Cosmos Flowering
And I have rotten news about the pond. I do mean rotten. It has gone all stinky - the intake water pipe has been clogged up with tree roots for a wee while, and so the pond water is now black ans horribly gaseous. And it's rather a large pond, so there is rather a large stink. Hmm...

Path Past the Zebra Grass
Much later...
Right. NO MORE sleepless nights - those paths are sorted. A path that lead nowhere, pretty silly really, has been decommissioned. Have scraped weeds off, widened, and relaid edges to the existing route through the middle.
A new access path...
Last summer's hopeless potato patch has now got a newly created access path leading through it, going down to the hedge at the bottom of everything. This could be pretty useful. I might even use it. Oh - that's what 'useful' means, after all...
Haven't done much planting or shifting of plants yet. Dug out a few dahlias which were inappropriately positioned. Removed a lot of Lamium from underneath the rugosa rose Corylus. Am appreciating the orange-red rose hips of this shrub. Have also dug out some old Anemanthele grasses - I have more to come out, and some fresh little ones to plant.

Just Joey Rose
Late flowering roses...
Haven't shifted out any roses yet, but think I know which ones are moving. For the record, anything small and spindly is going on the bonfire, while the low-growing Flower Carpet roses around the self-seeded Prunus tree are moving to be path-side. Many of the larger roses have a few late flowers - nice work! Gathered Hollyhock, Marigold, and Cosmos seeds, and put them into envelopes with LABELS! Yeay! As you can see, I am right on top of this.
And good news for the stinky pond - Non-Gardening Partner has been digging around the offending water pipe. The joint which is leaking has been identified, he will remove the tree roots, and replacement pipe pieces will be purchased this coming week. Then the pond will be filled with fresh water for three or four days (it can overflow into the garden) and sweetness should be restored.
The simplest of rewards...
And now - a nice warm shower and clean clothes. Simple rewards never disappoint.