Be really strict...

Spring Colous
Look - I'm going to have to be really strict with myself. I MUST SOW MY SEEDS TODAY.
No matter how wet (it is) or cold (it is, a bit). And no matter how tired I feel - had a bit of a wild weather night, so slept in the house. Missed my lovely cottage and Minimus the cat.
Missed the big bad winds...
Also missed the big bad winds. Phew! Lucky - only thirty kilometers inland there were trees crashing down and power outages. Some of my loveliest cherry trees are covered in blossom at the moment and it is sad to have blossom prematurely blown away.
And even stricter. I MUST SPREAD MY GARDEN MIX TODAY. Upper case and bold writing for extreme emphasis.
Not enough discipline. Sowed 14 little containers with mainly annual flower seeds, didn't finish. Then I went to spread the garden mix. But first I had to plant the Agapanthus which was filling up my wheelbarrow. And before that I had to weed and clear the garden area where the Agapanthus were to be planted. Doing that made a lot of mess and that had to be dumped on the fence-line. Aha! Spied a lost gardening fork buried in the rose prunings there. And then I got hungry.

Fred on the catmint
Late Afternoon...
Kept catching Fred sitting on the pot of cat-mint divisions. Kept shoo-ing him away (couldn't resist taking a photograph, hee hee).
Redeemed self. Used up all the seed raising mix (added some fine sandy soil to it). Everything is labelled. Again, Lilli-Puss came (slowly) with me. She's a strange cat, very blank and unresponsive (quite possibly senile), yet insists on following people. And she follows the dogs, who get a bit alarmed.
So Lilli watched me enlarging the potato patch, and barrowing four loads of garden mix onto it. Only four - oops. Dug some rotten stumps out. Planted garlic cloves near the new white Buddleia - if they do grow (it's late to plant them) and I wonder what on earth those little green things are - well, I'll know!

Lilli in the Hump Garden
Planted a clump of gladioli bulbs by the new rose archway, and immediately lost my good secateurs. Very puzzling - then had an inspired moment to dig the glads back up. Oh my goodness. The secateurs, bright orange, were in the very bottom of the planting hole.
Bonfires are female?
Then I carted loads of mess to the bonfire, plus branches of gum trees collected from the Hump Garden. Added two barrow loads of hedge trimmings and whoosh! Up she went. She? So a bonfire is female? Maybe it takes on the gender of the gardener...