Poor Fred!
Black Fred (one of my twin tabby cats) isn't well, and it's not so easy to get him to the vet today. Worrying about him has brought all those bigger world worries back to the surface. Understandable, so an extra shot of self-discipline is needed.

Fred on the Driveway
So far I've done my ballet class - I am still happily hopeless. And 'hopless' - I can't make myself hop. Daft! I've had morning phone-coffee with my friend, our regular staying-connected strategy.

Munstead Wood Rose
What a mood!
Then, because I was in a spectacularly sullen mood, I made myself do an hour's sight-reading of new Albeniz pieces that I've never played before. I got slower and crosser with the daft key signatures and accidentals. Clusters and clusters of blobby notes on stalks, every one with a flat or a double flat attached. Not a pretty sight. That'll teach me!
Much Later...
Have collected and stacked four more loads of firewood. That's been pretty grump-making, too. It's a warm day, and the need for firewood seems far, far away.
Two beautiful things (among many) in the garden - Munstead Wood, a less than generous David Austin rose, is flowering. So is a brilliant blue perennial geranium, which I cannot remember ever growing, let alone seeing before.
Got out the retractable lead (next-door's paddock has something stinky in it) and took Pebbles my younger dog for a long orchard walk. We were escorted by a trio of chattering fantails who squeaked and swooped around my head.

Hello Fantail!
I told them about my worries for poor Black Fred - warning them, of course, not to take cats lightly. The fluttery birds looked me in the eye and chattered back. Dear birds, such good, understanding wee friends with whom to share my autumn garden. They were a great help.

Blue Geranium
Footnote for the day
I went back to the piano and played through El Albaicin (by Abeniz) while the evening meal was cooking. I thought it went rather well - got through 90% without having to stop and correct anything. A great feeling. Craved feedback. Did Non-Gardening Partner think I was improving? He didn't know. Hmm...
Wednesday, Fred is OK
Fred is fixed! He's been at the vet all day today : X-rays showed he was blocked up with bits of bone, gristle etc (obviously from hunting). There's no damage, and he's been - ahem - cleaned out. I've never had a blocked cat before. So now Fred is back home, wobbly, smoochy, and very hungry. I feel so much better. We both love our vet. And we both love the fantails, though I wouldn't trust Fred for a minute...