Seeds are sown...

Seed Packets
Yippee! My seed order has arrived, a reward for several days of extremely good gardening. Wonder what I've ordered? Sent it off about five days ago, can't remember anything on my list except for blue Cornflowers.
So I laid out all the packets like playing cards on my kitchen table and puzzled at my choices. Indigo blue forget-me-nots? Really? I have oh so many self-seeded ones. Two packets of Calendula 'Daisy Faces'? Obviously, one cannot have too many Calendulas. But again, they do tend to self-seed.
Very exciting and potentially stylish - I have ordered a Nasturtium, the coolest of lilac grey colours (in the photograph, at least). Unusually nice. Plus the usual - lettuces, annual salvias, pretty white Orlaya.
Perils of Online Ordering...
So I worked in my glasshouse for three hours, sowing all the seeds. Two packets of a cool blue and lemon viola - why two? Must have done a nervous click-click, hee hee. The perils of online ordering... I also potted up Stachys plants dug out of a lawn (oops) and miniature Agapanthus rescued from the Hump Garden. Way out in the open, too frosty, a bad look.

Calendula Flower
I promised my seeds I would keep them beautifully misted, not forget about them, and not waste any of them. Sowing seeds makes me feel incredibly validated (?) as a gardener.
Sunday 30th August
Had an amazing dream. I'd discovered a huge area of garden which I didn't know existed, and it was perfect for a potato patch. Woke up. The location of this year's potato patch was obviously a worry.
Not any more. I've created one. A sunny area in the Hump Garden has been weeded and leveled, forget-me-nots removed, the perimeter edged with logs. The potatoes are sitting in old egg cartons building sprouts. Only a real gardener wakes up dreaming of potato patches. I've sown all my seeds. Now the waiting begins.
Monday 31st August
Am really tired - played a great gig with my blues band last night, but I never sleep very well after these. My head feels quite fuzzy. A gentle sit-down weeding session in the Driveway Garden, I think, with minimal crawling and a few controlled lunges.

Driveway Garden Weeded
The dogs and I have just been for a walk. It took ages - one of the Freds (cats) was determined to come with us. But he kept getting left behind. He'd cry, and so of course we'd wait for him. We checked the sheep - no more lambs, just the two. Then the Fred wanted to be carried back to the house. Oh boy! He is soooooo heavy...

Fred in the Barrow
A bit later...
I love my garden. I even love weeding (have done about two hours). I love my cats and dogs, and my new library books (I know, I know - so old school). I love my music (played some pretty groovy piano last night). And I love my seeds!
Not loving the wind...
What I'm not loving so much is the wind, which is starting to whoosh around noisily. Gale force winds are forecast for later this evening. If only the wind could blow Covid 19 away...
Next Morning...
Aargh! The cottage shook in the middle of the night with the biggest wind gusts. I'd made a cup of tea and was reading my book, Minimus the cat curled up by me. Contemplated relocating to the house. And then - pouff! Dead calm.