Noisy nonsense...
A message for the big blustering wind. You are not putting me off with your noisy nonsense. Rude wind, blowing a fledgling blackbird out of its nest yesterday at dusk. In bed, Minimus presented me with the large alarmed birdling, while the parent shrieked and dive-bombed the cottage verandah. I did what I could.

The Dog Kennels
And about midnight Pebbles the new dog, frightened by the wind, started barking in her kennel, really upset. So I got up and brought both dogs inside. The dog kennels are directly underneath a huge thrashing gum tree.
Two plans and a pledge...
Two plans for today : one is ridiculous. I will pull out absolutely all the old forget-me-nots. The second, a more realistic variation - I will spend as much time as I can pulling out old forget-me-nots. And now a pledge. This will be the last time I talk about pulling out forget-me-nots. Spring is for forget-me-nots. Time to move on. Summer is for watering. Aargh! Watering! I need to put the hoses on. The last rhododendrons (so sorry) are wilting in the heat. Yes. I've decided that it is summer.
Actually, I ended up with a much nicer plan. Entertain visitors! And sneak out a few barrowloads of unmentionables, when everyone otherwise engaged. After tea I had a great session alone, just me and the large shovel. I even dug some Alkanet roots out. And I spread horse manure around the boundary Pittosporums and gave them a good soaking.

Campion Flowers
Out, out, damned Campion!
And this morning, hanging out the washing, guess what I saw? Oh yes, lots more of 'them' (plus the weedy pink Campion) in another garden area, all ready to be pulled out. So the hoses are on, and we are off to the dog park. Then, with steely determination, I need to tie in some of the orchard roses. And maybe then, after that, a spot of pulling out some 'you-know-whats'.
Much Later...
I made a sensible executive decision not to tie in the errant rose canes, but simply chop them off. And the wind went away to annoy gardeners somewhere else (oops) so I was able to burn the trailer load of rubbish. Grr. This took all afternoon. But on went the rose canes (I saved all the flowers for house vases) and at least six more loads of those 'things' that cannot be named. And I added armfuls of Campion, which is suddenly drooping in the heat and setting seed for millions of off-spring. Another pretty weed-plant it's time to clean up.
The down-side to the wind - lots of downed flowers, particularly the lupins and the big bearded irises. The up-side - far too windy to waste time and energy on a bonfire. Hmm...