
Blue Flower - Weedy Plant
Right. After several false alarms I am back, a one-hundred-percent gardener, ready to knock my spring garden into shape. That seems a bit harsh - perhaps the words 'cajole' and 'con' would be better!
Monday 27th September
Anyway, today I'm going for swimming and sushi - first time in three weeks! And then I'm repairing the paddock fence so the pet lambs can be released. Little Milly is a worry - she got both front legs stuck in the walls of the cage netting last night, and didn't have enough strength to get free. The chicken wire on the paddock fence will have smaller holes, though. Ach - it's a worry!
There are so many clumps of daffodils popping up in so many new places, the results of last autumn's purchase of several large bags. It is definitely worth restocking. I can only hope that the fifty plus new recycled roses give just as much flowery joy...

Three More Daffodils
I am avoiding looking at the brown Camellia flowers by the Sleep-Out (white Camellias seem to depart in the most disgraceful fashion). But what should I be looking out for? Forget-me-nots - I love them, even if they're a bit weedy. And tulips (which are semi-hopeless, because I don't lift and/or replace, but very colourful). The pale blue Corydalis is flowering, as are the new pink Camellias behind the Stables. Hurray for pink!

Honesty Flowers
Later, Lunchtime...
Life with lambs is taken very seriously here. Milly and Stu are in the ram paddock, whose fence I've covered with chicken wire, and I'm keeping totally out of sight while they settle down. My sensitive pianist's hands found it difficult fiddling with wire fencing. I've even left the green wheelbarrow over by the feeding spot to give them a bit of a focus. Hee hee. This means I can't do any gardening for an hour. Where's my book?
Later Again...
I've weeded by Lamb Corner (the back of the Jelly Bean Border, where the Forsythia is in bright yellow flower) and done a small stretch by the water race. The last two coral Flower Carpet roses are planted, my cuttings and seedlings in the glass-house are watered, and it's well time to sow some more. I have two pottles of blue cornflowers which must have at least fifty seedlings in each. Great!
And good for me. I do feel better. The weather has, again, been brilliant. Aftershocks - what aftershocks? They seem smaller now, and if it wasn't for my silly pheasant honking (after the event) I might miss them altogether. So the earth is settling down. Good earth! But be impressed - we've had over a thousand aftershocks since the e-quake.
Tuesday 28th September
Hmm... Personally I've had a great day - playing chamber music, showing my flute friend around the garden (she notices the tiniest things), potting my tomato seedlings into bigger pots, and weeding along the water race. Lambwise I'm really concerned about little Milly - she has no energy and is terribly wobbly on her legs today, whereas Stu lamb bounces and runs etc. in the paddock.

Bergenias are Boring?
My goodness the garden is looking good! Love those daffodils - now I'm finding even more varieties to gush over. The honesty is in full flower, and the Wattle Woods look magnificently purple and white. The deep pink Camellias by the glass-house are just gorgeous, and up overhead the citrus yellow Wattle flowers are hard to ignore - such a strong, deep, uncompromising yellow, not everyone's cup of tea colourwise...
Ha! That's a good idea - a cup of tea, and then I'll take my dog for a walk down the road. He's been ever-vigilant, standing on duty in the water race while I've been weeding. Good dog.

Bergenias in Middle Garden
I've just got back from the vet with another course of antibiotics for little Milly lamb. My vet thinks it's well worth a try. But this lamb is definitely not well, and I am facing the possibility that she's not going to make it after all. I will do all I can, and try not to get too sad. Oh boy. That's a hard ask.
Wednesday 29th September
Right - a nice cup of tea (in other words hot, and not too milky) while I contemplate my gardening day. I want it to be severe. I mean business today. Those cute little October weeds keep popping up everywhere - and my goodness, yes, it is nearly October. Makes sense! I should be on my hands and knees weeding, or striding womanfully around with buckets, wheelbarrow, etc. Or doing my edges, raking paths, mulching, and burning my rubbish. I am allowed some breaks, but they are to be taken in situ. Ha!
Rest assured I'll definitely get the dog, but I would like some quality cat company. A thought - pigs might fly, and Tiger my lazy tortoiseshell cat might come gardening - Tiger's loud constant purring would be a rather nice sound effect while I weed the vegetable garden.
Later, Lunchtime...
So far so good. I have been sensibly weeding the vegetable garden - that is, separating all the nasty running grass from the general compostables. My dog has been humphing and lolling on the grass nearby. I have given myself a stern talking to regarding over-emotionalising the pet lambs, particularly little Milly. They are livestock, not family pets. Sadness when an animal is poorly is natural. But all is in hand, and I have done all I can. And no more tears!
- 'Look more like an English rose and less like an English sheepdog.'
- -Moosey Advice to Self.
Gardening and playing the piano are brilliant balances for the things in life that go a bit wrong. Also I've decided to spruce up my country casual appearance to cheer myself up.
I'm wearing my new fresh check gardening shirt (blue, of course), I've brushed my hair (finally) and cut my fringe. My plan is to look more like an English rose and less like an English sheepdog (or my own dog, who is a red Border Collie).

Rusty the Dog and Lemon Rhododendron
As soon as I've had my next cup of tea I'm off to prick out the first seedlings and plant some more seeds. I've managed to find all those I collected and stuffed into tiny pockets of paper - in various kitchen and bathroom drawers. Good for me.
Much Later...
I am the Weeding Queen. The Queen of the Weeds? Doesn't sound very nice, but I have worked so hard. Dandelions beware!
Thursday 30th September
My goodness it is indeed the last day of the month, since thirty days hath September (I knew that). What a peculiarly rocky, shaky September we've had. But hey! At least the blossom hasn't been blown off the Prunus trees yet, and the daffodils have been extra-super-amazing. Today I'm going swimming, and on my return I have another huge, happy weeding session planned. And a huge birthday nursery garden voucher to spend. Yippee! More new roses?
Goodbye, Milly Lamb :
- I've written a page about the year 2010's pet lambs.
Late Afternoon, So Sorry...
I am sorry to say that Milly the little pet lamb has not made it. She's buried in the Jelly Bean Border with her own rose bush. I know she was only a lamb, but I tried my very best...