Little things matter a lot...
At the end of the gardening month little things matter a lot - like planting out the seedling annuals, clearing out the spring forget-me-nots, staking the tomatoes. These could all be done next month - oops! That's nearly tomorrow!
Thursday 29th November
Let me set the scene for another grand summer gardening day. The house is still clean (after the visitors) and still quiet. All my pets are fed and watered, and my two bellbirds are having a singing battle outside. They are in for a nectar treat, as many of my flaxes start to flower.

Blue Aquilegia
Buzzy things (please, no blow-flies) and birds twitter and squeak as light planes pass high overhead, each escorted by a barking flash of red border collie - Rusty the dog. The roof groans as a cat passes overhead - which one? An agile younger cat - or perhaps Fluff-Fluff, who rules the roof with a nonchalance that defies his super-size and weight...
The Trees Are Down
Yesterday I went walking on the Peninsula, while the tree-men dealt to the remaining gum trees in the Hump. I came home to a beautifully light skyline, and the ground covered with log piles and leafy branches. But nearly all my struggling little Pittosporums were bravely upright, surrounded by tree chaos. I would love to grow some larger species roses in here - maybe this autumn...

Watering the Garden
The Pond is still annoying me - blast these inspirational water gardening library books on my kitchen bench! Now I have more ideas for edge plantings - some trailing dwarf Junipers underneath the proposed deciduous Azaleas, creating layers of vegetation while exercising the Moosey Visa card (and the shovel). Planting beneath old weedy trees - imagine the tree roots...

Red Rose
So out I go. My Rhapsody in Blue roses by the water race are flowering. My house is being gently cuddled by pink and red roses of every flower form and size. And there is no wind. A lovely summer day! Enjoy!

Aargh! Tree Mess
Friday 30th November
I spent yesterday's 'lovely summer day' carrying and burning gum tree (Eucalyptus) rubbish, and thinking serious thoughts about Australian bushfires. My modest pile generated intense heat, and I burn with running water, a bucket and a rake on hand. Eucalyptus branches are dreadfully combustible - no wonder the Australian bushfires are so deadly and difficult to fire-fight.
Tree Clean-Up
The tree-men had worked miracles, dropping branches just the right size for my feeble upper-arms to drag clear, and seeming to miss most of my newly planted shrubs. I had brilliant creature company all day - the young cats scooted up and down the shortened trees, the bellbirds whistled non-stop above me, and Rusty the dog lounged on the lawn.
After five hours of producing strictly vertical smoke a very grouchy red-faced gardener with lightly smoked hair went off to Christmas Carol Singing practice. I have decided to be a female tenor - nice!
Today's Plans
Today's plans - first I'll wander around to check on the latest roses and late rhododendrons. The established orchard climbers are now in full flower, and my few new replacement roses should be getting the message - fresh air, sunshine, a sturdy climbing archway, and mobile manurists (my chooks).
Then I need to do more clearing and burning, while the weather is suitable. C'mon, Rusty dog - we have work to do.

Rusty the Gardening Dog
I cleared four barrowfuls of gum and burnt it, while practising my Christmas carols in my grouchy female-tenor voice. There was no snow 'deep and crisp and even', but the Eucalypts did a great job as yuletide logs. I am a singing and a gardening legend. I've had the best, busiest November ever in my garden.