Willow Bridge
The Stumpy Garden has a bridge! In the winter of 2008 a simple flat wooden bridge was built to connect this garden with the house lawns. I needed a direct route through to the gardens from my house and kitchen.

Head Gardener by Giant Gunnera
Access Needed!
My blue garden seats in the Stumpy Gardens were just not handy enough - by the time I'd wobbled my way round the long way (over Middle Bridge) my coffee would be stone cold. And I'd usually be so distracted seeing so many weeds en route that I'd never even get near my destination. For garden seats to be 'sittable', obviously they need to be accessible.

Willow Bridge
Enter Non-Gardening Partner, one large wooden telegraph pole, hammer nails and decking boards. Easy! As soon as the bridge was in place I built a network of mulched connecting paths. Now I can get to the blue seats in a flash, and if I want to have lunch on the white cafe table and chairs it's even quicker.

Non-Gardening Partner and Dog
The bridge pushes naturally past a large Phormium Tenax and some Gunnera growing on the water's edge. It looks as if it's been here forever. Welcome to the Moosey Garden, Willow Bridge. I guess your name is a little dull - but it suits you!

Little Mac the Cat, Big Gunnera
A quick word about that Gunnera - it's a little large at times! Check out the size of the leaves near Little Mac the black and white cat.