Moosey News : October 2009

Dear Subscriber,

Rhododendrons, Aquilegias, and the first Roses are filling the Moosey Garden with flowery hope. There's been a lot of late spring rain, too, so everything is luscious and green. It's looking quite lovely!

This month's features :

  1. Hostas
  2. A Surfeit of Agapanthus
  3. Moosey's Spring Stars
  4. Hiking up Woolshed Creek, Mount Somers
  5. Supersized Garden Benches

Regulars :

  1. Plant of the Month : Lilac Sensation
  2. Animal of the Month : Percy the Ginger Cat
  3. Garden Quote : Needing More Time
  4. Garden Gallery : Apple Blossom in the Rain
  5. Forum Focus : Friendship
  6. Gardening Advice : On Garden Trivia
  7. Searching for Moosey : English Gardens
  8. Coming up this month : Summer, sunshine, warmth and more roses!

This month's features

1. Hostas

I'm getting more and more of these favourite foliage plants. No names can be provided, though...

2. A Surfeit of Agapanthus

I've been busy digging out unwanted Agapanthus from a friend's garden. A warm welcome to Mooseys for these talented plants.

3. Moosey's Spring Stars

Every spring I try and feature some of the stars of the garden - and not just the big, bossy, overbearing ones like the double cherry blossom.

4. Hiking up Woolshed Creek, Mount Somers

Read about my latest hike in the foothills of the Southern Alps.

5. Supersized Garden Benches

Here are some new garden benches to sit on and enjoy the garden. You'll have plenty of room...


6. Plant of the Month : Lilac Sensation

I saw this Lilac in Ontario and adored it. Now I have one of my very own.

7. Animal of the Month : Percy the Ginger Cat

Percy takes such beautiful garden photographs - it must be because he's ginger. I love his gingerness!

8. Garden Quote : Needing More Time

It's all to do with gardening time going by so slowly - or not...

9. Garden Gallery : Apple Blossom in the Rain

Amid all the amazing blossom from special flowering trees there's real beauty in the simplicity of apple blossom.

10. Forum Focus : Friendship

The Moosey forum is a friendly place, even if lots of us (like the Head Gardener) get too busy and only manage to pop in once a week. We still care!

11. Gardening Advice : On Garden Trivia

My garden journals have become more and more verbose over the years, with more and more garden trivia...

12. Searching for Moosey : english gardens

english gardens - Hestercombe
I recently found some old Moosey journals, with ramblings about the famous Hestercombe Gardens in Somerset. My photographs are over 12 years old, but great gardens don't change that quickly.
english gardens in the 1997 journal
You might also enjoy the old journal, dating from 1997.

13. Coming up this month : Summer

For me - more sunshine, more warmth, and more roses. I hope you'll get more of what you love in your own garden.
