Things to do in May...

Mugsy Cat in the Garden
Things to do in May - dig out any frost tender plants remaining in the garden. Put compost in the Island Bed and all up the Driveway Border. Take cuttings of penstemons, daisies and roses...
Saturday 3rd May
Dig grass by pond and replant it by the BIG GUM. Shift Sparieshoop and Apple-Blossom Flower Carpet rose. Plant some daffodil bulbs, put newspaper and compost on the vege garden, get rid of the nasturtiums, and dig out the dahlias by the compost heap.
And don't forget to enjoy the garden!

Saturday 10th May
Today's ideas - shift all the red Centanthuses to go with the red and yellow aquilegias in the Driveway. Lift remaining dahlias and LABEL them. Buy three Gertrude Jeckyl roses.
More Things...
More things... Shift the red and yellow aquliegias from the Driveway Border. The pink Heritage roses go in here. Weed, mulch, and trim edges. Put Round-Up underneath the Wattle trees. Tie up the New Dawn roses...
Sunday 18th May
Here are some roses I'd like to get: The Pilgrim (tall, yellow-cream), Fantin Latour (pretty), Penelope (hybrid musk), Queen Elizabeth (tall and pink), French Lace (floribunda, medium, ivory).
More things to do: Pot up Renga Renga for Wattle Woods, trim Viburmums, measure up for the new rose arches. Also dig the Pond Garden, shift Bantry Bay into Stables Garden, and get seeds from yellow aquilegia, blue aquilegia... And keep happy.