Layers and Dogs
I've had a great gardening week, though the days have been rather cold and the nights frosty. I'm getting tougher, I reckon. And it's all to do with wearing layers, taking them off, then putting them on again.

Winter Hebe Flowering
Today in the cold I started off with four woolly layers, one over the other. Took them off one by one throughout the afternoon, then as the sun sunk lower on again they went. My Collie dogs are lucky - they don't need to do this. One layer for every temperature!

Stone Wall and Grasses
I cleared more grass weeds out of the Allotment Garden, pruned dead canes off some of the roses, and removed all the dry grass clumps from the other side of the driveway. Nice symmetry. Burnt my rubbish - this warmed me up a bit. But have been inside for an hour and my hands still feel cold. Silly.

Winnie and Escher
Three days later...
Three days off from the garden - oh dear me! Music rehearsals all day Sunday, then lovely house visitors, including the big brown dog Escher, who has enjoyed a two-night sleep-over.
A simple country holiday...
He's had a very simple country holiday. We go out for a walk. He pees on something, then wanders off in the wrong direction. Where's Escher? We manage to gather him back into the pack. Then we go back into the house and he snoozes. An hour later - the same sequence.
There've been a few exciting moments in the Hazelnut Orchard. Yesterday Escher found a pheasant in the grass (it flew off, shrieking). But today he completely missed seeing (and smelling) a wild rabbit which ran across in front of him. Oh dear!

Three Dogs on a Walk
Now my visitors have gone (leaving my fridge bursting with yummy left-overs), and I've just dropped Escher back at his parent's house. The house and garden feel empty, and quiet (no snoring from the dog couch). No excuses not to work really hard in my garden tomorrow, I reckon.