Team Weather!

Looking wistfully back over my last week, which has been dominated by the weather. We have been completely in unison. If the weather behaved, so did I. If not, me neither. Team Weather!
Thursday 16th February
Ha! What a well-moderated team. We have been behaving. By this I mean that we are nicely positioned in the middle, nothing too extreme, not too wet, not too hot. Have been weeding and trimming the gardens around that Herb Spiral. Sprinkled lots of Orlaya seeds around - I adore this annual, and it self-seeds really nicely.
Dug out lots of dandelions, got most of the roots out too. Dead-headed lots of Dahlias. Poured the last of the vege mix from my failed glass-house tomatoes around the roses. Yeay. All is not lost.
Friday 17th February
The weather and I are still behaving! Today I continued clearing near the Herb Spiral. Dug the edge of the garden opposite the pergola (lots of super-friendly Alstroemeria was creeping into the lawns). Weeded the potato patch, harvested more spuds, dead-headed more roses.
Saturday 18th February
What a team! We are both still behaving. Went into the water race with my nippers and trimmers. A mess of lawn trimmings had floated downstream and got stuck in the Gunnera by Middle Bridge.

Part of the Herb Spiral
Off you go...
Oops. I sent most of it on its way. Trimmed a feast of Lemon Balm (beautiful smell, don't remember planting it here), cut out yet more dead Phormium leaves, and cleared the bridge of huge Gunnera leaves with blown-over bent stems. Bridge hazards, these, with their rough spikes. Got completely wet and very muddy.
Then got stuck trying to get out of the water. Oops. One of the drawbacks having knees that don't seem to want to bend. Had to commando-crawl up underneath a huge flower carpet rose. Ouch!
Left my mess...
Was too wet and muddy to continue, so didn't clean up my mess. Decided I would do that tomorrow. And will I? Hmm... I know I should always clean up the day's mess at the end pf the day it was created. It's not rocket science. It's garden mess.

Left My Mess Behind...
Wednesday 22nd February
Blast. After three days of good honest work, suddenly the weather turned stinking hot, too hot for me. And it's forecast to get worse. So I've spent my time inside staying cool, reading books and writing music arrangements. Non-Gardening Partner has been away up north, and one of my dogs (Pebbles) has spent most of the time sitting by the glass doors of the upper lounge room, waiting for him to come home. Dear dog! NGP did have time to mow most of the lawns before he went.
And now guess what? Regarding Team Weather, temperatures are back to being pleasant, dare I say normal, but it's raining steadily. Of course this is a joy for my garden. I have puddles in my driveway again. Yippee! But again it keeps me inside. What a wimp! So what has happened to the resident intrepid four-seasons gardener?