Attitude, platitude...

Raubritter Rose
Have a new attitude - and a new platitude? Oops. Here it is. Nothing in my garden that is finite can ever be too much trouble. Because finite can be finished.
Have spent my first gardening session pulling down dead rose pieces from the woodshed and manipulating them to the bonfire. Not one scratch as yet! Much easier than I thought it would be - have come inside to tell Non-Gardening Partner (it's a hint, hee hee).
Thought briefly about having a (no alcohol) beer for morning tea, but this didn't quite seem appropriate.
Right. Let me get back at it...
Much, much later...
A brilliant day. Dragged loads and loads (and even more loads) of mess out, spent the last hour bonfiring. Very red faced, me, and hardly a scratch. Had to wear a cover-all-of-me shirt because I got sunburnt at the river. But on went the baggy gardening shorts (am getting confident about handling thorny rose clippings).
Monday 3rd January
Have another Sort-of New Year's Resolution to record. This ongoing mental rejuvenation happens each January. Am going to ask NGP for more help this year, rather than struggling on my own and getting cross.

The Woodshed
Because yesterday he was such a great help, and I achieved so much more. I was so much happier at the end of the day. He works faster than I do and carries heavier things. He even finished off my bonfire for me.

Summer Hydrangeas
Today it's beautifully hot, so gardening between morning and afternoon tea times is an interesting idea. But I can easily find something shady (or watery) to do. Love my trees in summer! I've strung up the cricket radio with a line of extension cords. Yeay! Happy days listening to the cricket.
An hour later...
Ooops. Too hot, sunscreen running down face. Bonfire reignited, so I had to collect mess to dump on it. Bit silly, me. Took some photographs of the Hydrangeas (I didn't prune them, so naturally they're flowering brilliantly). Have asked NGP to mow the long grass triangle by the washing line, now that much of the kiwi fruit vine and rose mess is out.
I didn't plant the Kiwi fruit vine. I didn't. Honestly I didn't. I wouldn't be that silly...