Two in a row...

Tasmanian Tree Daisy
Wow. Two great days in a row, where I've gardened sensibly and thoroughly, and haven't lost my hand tools (or my oomph, hee hee). I've been working close to the water race, which makes the most enjoyable burbling sounds, like a bunch of friends mumbling encouragement. Much more encouraging than my dogs 'singing' or barking at the wind. Wind? Aargh! Pleasantly absent. Phew!
And I've got my timing right. The idea is to work hard until 4:30, at which time I light the bonfire, collecting more loads of hedge trimmings from the orchard (Non-Gardening Partner has kindly raked them up into piles). These get layered with my dry mess like a flaming lasagne. I endure one hour of stinky smoke, which thankfully goes straight up in the windless air.
The Hen-House Gardens
So I'm doing a major clean-out of the gardens and paths near the old Hen House. There's lots of dry mess to rake out (gum leaves mainly), and, naturally, lots of weeds to remove. Today I shifted a path to run closer to the water, and planted more pieces of Rock lily in the gaps. Much nicer! The old path was blocked by vegetation.

New Path by Water
Had afternoon tea on the seat by Duck Lawn underneath the Oak tree, whose leaves are just starting to unfurl. A nicely named lawn - two mallard ducks immediately appeared. My presence obviously put them off and they sploshed noisily back into the water race.
Ducks beware!
Five minutes later they were back on the lawn. I warned them about building a nest nearby. Two duckling hunter cats (the Freds) and one rude duck chasing dog (Pebbles).

Duck Lawn
Then went into Middle Garden, cut down an embarrassing number of medium sized broom and gorse shrublets. Several clean green Phormiums have self-seeded, blocking the path into the middle of Middle Garden. Best to decommission it and enjoy the greenery, yes? Totally yes! Have done so - I can use the stones for a small retaining wall further down the water.

No way in for a path
All along the water race banks Gunnera leaves are unfurling, growing beautifully. Spring in my garden is much more that fluffy pink and white. Maybe the beautiful blossom takes my breath away, then the fresh green colours get me breathing deeply. Love that fresh green!

Middle Garden Gunnera
For the record (and to make myself feel good) I took photographs of all my good works. But I ignored the bonfire. Smelly, stinky thing. Anyway, my bonfires always all look the same.