
Buster on a Hump Garden Path
Celebrate that which is repetitious, I reckon! A garden, animals, and music stop life getting boring. Even when one keeps on doing the same things - weeding the garden, walking the dogs, patting the cats, making the same mistakes in the Schumann sonatas...
Saturday 9th October
Today I've been weeding the Hump Garden paths, watched by black Buster. It doesn't matter that I've done this before, and will do it again. Anyway, it's never strictly the same, because I keep on changing the path route, hee hee. And occasionally I'll spot a new variety of weed (seeds do get dropped by visiting birds).
Good news!
Good news - a tree identification. The pink cherry blossom flowering in the Hump is the variety 'Pink Perfection'. In June 2015 Lilli-Puss went missing, and a month later I bought it for her memorial tree, planting it in the back of the Shrubbery.

Prunus Pink Perfection
Three years later I shifted it into the Hump Garden, having completely forgotten its memorial significance. Oops. But now Lilli is returned, and both cat and tree are doing well. Nice!

Obelisk Mark 2
Obelisk 2021
I rebuilt the Obelisk. Obelisk Mark 2 is in the same place, but is only half as big as the original. I've got some sweet pea seedlings to grow up it, plus some climbing beans to put in when the soil warms up a bit. Obelisk Mark 1 was nearly three meters high, and the beans I so proudly grew to climb up it were - oops - a dwarf variety. Silly!
Sunday 10th October
Today will be a busy non-gardening day for me : shearing in the morning, and my Bob Dylan Ladies Tribute Band gig in the afternoon. Imagine me tarted up in my black lace frock and boots in a downtown bar, smelling like a sheep and knocking on heaven's door. Life is definitely not boring, yes?
Monday 11th October
Right. Am off for a swim first thing - standing up for ages rehearsing and playing piano yesterday (the gig was groovy) reminds me that my oldish hips and knees need a soothing session, rather than a plod around the garden in circles pushing the wheelbarrow. That can come later. The garden will look just as lovely when I return. There are such wonderful colours to enjoy now spring is properly here.
Blast! Later it is now, and just as I started my garden work it started to rain. Gently at first, but forecast to increase in density (is that the word?). So I wimped out and went into the glass-house instead, pricking out Marigold and organic Lettuce seedlings, and preparing cuttings of my new white Buddleia.
Tuesday 12th October
So today it's properly raining (and cold), so I'm staying inside with the log-burner on. The dogs and I will go for a quick wander, possibly with the camera (hope I can keep it dry). My garden is loving the rain, and I have a bagful of new library books for my house (all detective stories). Then there's web-gardening, and Schumann...

The Dogs
Same old wet weather habits, I guess, but never ever boring. Not sure my dogs would agree with me, though...