A messy business...

I've been thinking about the messy end of the Hump Garden, while listening to the cricket commentary on my wee radio. Very nice, very slow, very summer holidayish. But I can't decide what to do, and I've mislaid my hand digger and my spade.

 Lots of weeds...
Messy Garden

So far not so good. I've pulled out grass and dandelion weeds, wandered around, laid some log edges for a possible path, squinted at the general area. Haven't accomplished anything.

 Frightened of a tennis ball...
Poor Pebbles

But life is still good, yes?

But life is still good, yes? After the shock of two noisy brown dogs staying the night, cat life is back to normal. Winnie's been dropping her tennis ball at my feet in the garden, then rushing out to the lawn to wait for me to lob it out over the shrubs and grasses.

Poor Pebbles!

Poor Pebbles! She's now scared of tennis balls, after hers accidentally bonked her on the nose (she wasn't watching properly). Hopefully a temporary setback.

Yes, life is good, even if I still can't decide what to do. I have fifteen bags of rotted horse manure to spread around, and a huge voucher to spend. On me! And loads and loads of potatoes to harvest, eat, or give away - Cliffs Kidney, Purple Passion, Agria, and Waiporoporo.

 Wonderful foliage plants.

Monday 4th January

Still don't know what to do in the end of the Hump Garden. Do I really want more Phormiums? Don't know how much irrigation I want to do - the big automatic sprinklers don't reach. Don't know how much weeding and maintenance I want to do. Probably not much. Don't know if I want paths in there. Do I actually even want to go in there?

Too gloomy...

Oh gloomy day! Excess gloom! Too gloomy. NGP is up in the skies flying, and my car battery is flat, so I can't even rush to the nursery with my voucher and do a cheer-up grab of plants. But I have several Phormiums in pots, and an emerald green Phormium which needs to be split and replanted.

Right. Enough nonsense. Will now list my plan of gloom-shedding action in the Hump Garden.

List, to shake off the gloom...

But before anything else, go on a hand digger and spade hunt. Find those tools!

 By a self-sown Sycamore tree.
Lychnis Flower


And think some more. Think about filling gaps with spare Phormiums and Carexes. Remember that species Agapanthus is good for suppressing weeds. Grab NGP (when he returns), grab that voucher, and GO PLANT SHOPPING.

Three hours later...

Started off by weeding around the Driveway Garden edge, making the border just a wee bit bigger (the shrubs are pushing out and over the lawn). Then into that messy garden area - weeding (found the spade) and laying the beginning of a path.

The sun!

Have checked the sun - surprised how much morning mid-summer sun there was, good to know. Also reminded self that there will be frost shelter in winter. Hmm... Agapanthus might be extremely suitable for a ground cover. But no planting or plant buying as yet. Am inside for a break. Feeling more positive, though.

 Curving around the ornamental grasses.
Start with a Path...

And even later...

Went to the nursery with my vouchers. Wasn't inspired with the selection. So I bought two hand diggers and two Whitakers chocolate bars. Still thinking.

 Self Seeding in the Hump Garden.