Only me...
Most days there's only me to appreciate how good my garden looks. Is this a sad or bad thing? No way! Visitors are most welcome, of course...
No pressure to make things pretty for others equals more joy for me. Imagine if I tried to run a 'proper' open garden. My dogs wouldn't behave. Pebbles would jump up and knock an old lady over. Winnie would drop her tennis ball at another's feet and trip her up. Then they'd be confined to their kennels and would bark. Aargh!

The Side House Gardens
And I'd see everything that I hadn't done. When it's just a private garden for me, I can enjoy the things I have done. And ignore the rest, hee hee. And if I don't know the name of a rose or a rhododendron, then so be it. I don't feel silly.

Pond Cottage
I get so much joy out of my garden. The dogs and I walk around it many times, every day, and if I want feedback I can get Non-Gardening Partner to come and check things out. Actually, he has been very helpful today - he's put new wooden struts on one of my park benches, and helped me carry it to the perfect spot by the water. Thanks for that, NGP.