New hope...
I love being on holiday in the Spring. There is such new hope in the garden at this time of year.

Daffodils in Middle Border
Sunday 17th September
I started gardening at 7 am, and I have worked so hard - I am very proud. I have stone-edged more of the borders and I am pleased with this 'look'. The funny thing is that when I try to remember exactly what I did from 7 am until 4.30pm, I can't!! However I am really stiff and my hands are sore - hmmm...
Today there was beautiful sunshine and two more lambs were born. Taj-dog also did a very odd dog-thing. He took the lamb suit that Stephen had taken off the rescued lamb and secretly buried it. He probably thought that the lamb had come to pieces (dog brain!)...
And we won the cricket test against Zimbabwe. Cool.
Friday 22nd September
Ha!!! I am on holiday!!!
Today I will take lots of photos and go around my garden noticing things. I will try to work really hard too, and become an Olympic gardening legend (in my own mind, anyway!). I will report back later - first thing is to check lambs, then sit outside with cats and first cup of tea. And I am NOT going to answer the phone!!!
I have come inside now and it's 4.30 pm I've done major weeding in the Ex-Island Bed, and put down some horse-poos and straw. And I have wandered around noticing things.
Things in the Garden
- The bargain bin Rhododendrons (names unknown) in Middle Border are breaking into flower (colours unknown).
- I found some very fluffy and incredibly bright yellow tulips (can't remember planting them).
- The first blue iris is nearly out.
- The daffodils from the local daffodil farm are just amazing (I took lots of photos)
- I am on holiday!!!
Saturday 23rd September
I am still on holiday! It's 7.30am, and I have first cup of tea ready and cats waiting. Today I plan to look at things on a very large scale. I think this is called 'garden design'... hee hee... as well as writing a list of small scale things to do...
List of Small Scale Things to Do
- Plant new perennials and wee flaxes.
- Plant all things waiting to be planted (including things in 1).
- Fire!!!... Burn stuff from by pump house.
- Water pots.
- Organise elegant pots for upstairs balcony.
- Paint old white bath and plant with - succulents? - Have a think.
- What about some Hypertufa?? (holiday project)
- Finish stoning Pond Borders.
- Dig out Dog-Path Garden.
- Plant Dog-Path Garden (with things in 1 and 2? - Oops, should have been first on list).
- Shut house doors and fill pockets with dried cat food.
Off I go! I am extremely happy and will MAKE EVERY MOMENT COUNT!!!
Sunday 24th September
Yesterday I had such a good day - potting up seedlings, digging, weeding, planting and NOTICING THINGS (the best of all). I think that Middle Border with its daffodils is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. The last ewe had twins. We tailed the lambs (the smell of lanolin on clothes and hands is nice). And we won the second cricket test against Zimbabwe.
Before I start today, I want to say that I feel so lucky and thankful that I am able to garden (with old creaky knees, legs that get stiff, eyes that need spectacles...).
I LOVE MY GARDEN! I have half finished yesterday's list. Things are starting to look really good! The Dog-Path Garden is really hard to dig though.

Succulents in Pots
Tuesday 26th September
No gardening yesterday, as I spent the day in town visiting my gardening friend Astrid. Her small "patch" above the beach was looking great - and she forced me (honestly!) to bring home various succulents in pots.
Now today it is raining, but who cares? I am on holiday, and will garden no matter what the weather... I am strong... I am invincible... I am GARDENER!!!
Head Gardener Activities
- 8.45am - I have run out of potting mix and it has started to hail.
- 9.30am - Back out I go. If the weather persists I will take a short trip to the rose sale.
- 4.30 pm - I bought 7 roses. I dug and dug and dug and dug the Dog-Path Garden. There are thick mats of tree roots and planting in there is going to be a challenge. I can do it! (armed with axe)... I will also get loads of horse-poos and straw to help the soil.
Wednesday 27th September
Today I am going to make a visible difference somewhere. Hopefully in the new Dog-Path Garden, which I suspect isn't quite big enough yet.
I think I have! (made a visible difference that is.) The new Dog-Path Garden is planted with just a few new roses (oops) and mulched. Also I have tidied up the patio succulents in pots - when you get close to them their detail is beautiful. Some coprosmas have been terracotta potted - a subtle colour scheme, but looking good.
Tomorrow I am going to work hard ALL DAY and do a general cleanup of absolutely all the borders and edges. I will also pot up more seedlings and take cuttings. I will be a supergardener.
Thursday 28th September
Time to make a Serious List...
Serious List
- Clear and burn rubbish from pump house
- Clear water race between Middle Border and the Rugosa border
- Expand Dog-Path Garden and plant remaining roses
- Use stones in trailer and do absolutely all border edges
- Weed in Rugosa border
- Line stable planter boxes with plastic and plant
7.45 am
Time to get going on that list!

Mulch and Bergenias
Yes!! I did everything except line the stable planter boxes. Also I found perfect spaces for all the new roses purchased yesterday, in the newly cleared area next to the pergola. Things are looking well organised, with edges stoned, ready to be admired. I have a lot of penstemon cuttings (unfortunately without labels) which I will put in between the roses, and I'll soften the stone edge with stachys.
My big dig in the Dog-Path Garden was exhausting, but I can see a difference already. I am trying to dig 3 barrowfuls minimum per day from the edges of the water race. I am a legend.
Friday 29th September
Only able to put in one hour today - dug 3 more barrowfuls of grass and rubbish from the edge of the water race. The great dig will be finished tomorrow! Two of the new rhododendrons in Middle Border are pink... (nice!)
I've just had a thought... the garden map will have to be changed!!!! The Dog-Path Garden and the new pergola rose garden are NOT DRAWN ON IT!!!! Hee hee hee... two new gardens...
Saturday 30th September
I am writing this at lunchtime, resting with a cup of coffee before the visit to the river to get stones. The water race border between Middle Border and the hen house is dug.
Blue Flowers :
- Chatham Island Forget-Me-Nots have beautiful blue flowers in spring, as well as large shiny green leaves.
The bargain bin was full of things that I wanted - I spent about $60 on Hellebores, Hebes, silver Astilbes and Chatham Island Forget-Me-Nots. Now I have seriously lost my nerve. How much sun will the Hellebores accept? Will the Chatham Island plants be happy in a large shady pot? How big will these red/brown leafed Hebes get? It was so much simpler when I was loading them greedily into the car boot and 'borrowing' money off Stephen - then I was full of confidence, knowing exactly the right spots...
I am hopeless, hiding inside. The coffee is finished. We are off to the river.
My confidence has returned, as I have found a most suitable place for the six Chatham Island Forget-Me-Nots (by corner of sleep-out where the disused dog kennel is). It's cool and quite damp. The water race planting has begun. All is well.