Garden Lawn
It is very important when taking a photograph of the whole of one garden area that the sun is in the right place - and that the surrounding lawns are freshly mown! Here's such a view of the Stumpy Garden - well, of most of it - and the resident lawnmower man.

Mowing the Lawns
I like to think that I've got the border shapes and edges right now. It's certainly been years since I last redug these curves. The garden borders need the lawn to show them off properly, anyway, so there is a digging limit!

Stumpy Garden Lawn in Spring
The tree in the grass is a fastigate oak, which suffered in a winter's snow storm and had to be tied together with string. The spring white flowers are swathes of Iris confusa. Alas, they are no more, proving just too scruffy and messy when battered by wind and rain.

Stumpy Garden Lawn - Summer 2007
I was accompanied on the photography session above by my white cat B-Puss. He kept getting in the way, so I ended up allowing him in the official photograph. It was taken in January, in the summer of 2007.